The Student Room Group

[Golden thread] What are your favourite memories of University?

This is a Golden Thread. Join in with the discussion before 21st August to be in with a chance of winning a £50 Amazon voucher!

It's now August, and for many students this means exam results! In order to get those going to university looking forward to going, we're inviting current (and former) university students to share their favourite memories of their time at uni. :smile:

What are some of your fave memories from your time (so far) at university:question:

Comment with your favourite memories and let the nostalgia flow! :daydreaming:

For those getting ready to go to university, or are considering it in the future:
What are you most looking forward to during your time at uni?

Golden Threads 2023
Each post in a Golden Thread counts as an entry into the competition and on 21st August we'll be randomly picking a winner.
The more you post in golden threads, the more chance you have of winning!

1. What would be your mastermind specialist subject?
2. Which celebrity would you make Prime Minister?
3. What would you put in Room 101?
4. Which TSR users quoted you in the last 12 months?
5. Guess what I'm looking at
6. Which superpower would you choose and why?
7. Top Tips for starting university
8. How many times can you repost the Golden TSR logo in this Golden Thread?
(edited 1 year ago)

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Original post by 04MR17
This is a Golden Thread. Join in with the discussion before 21st August to be in with a chance of winning a £50 Amazon voucher!

It's now August, and for many students this means exam results! In order to get those going to university looking forward to going, we're inviting current (and former) university students to share their favourite memories of their time at uni. :smile:

What are some of your fave memories from your time (so far) at university:question:

Comment with your favourite memories and let the nostalgia flow! :daydreaming:

For those getting ready to go to university, or are considering it in the future:
What are you most looking forward to during your time at uni?

Golden Threads 2023
Each post in a Golden Thread counts as an entry into the competition and on 21st August we'll be randomly picking a winner.
The more you post in golden threads, the more chance you have of winning!

1. What would be your mastermind specialist subject?
2. Which celebrity would you make Prime Minister?
3. What would you put in Room 101?
4. Which TSR users quoted you in the last 12 months?
5. Guess what I'm looking at
6. Which superpower would you choose and why?
7. Top Tips for starting university

Hi there,

Great question! I graduated from my biology degree last year and I'm now back studying a Master's. It's hard to only pick one favourite memory but if I had to pick one it would be my research project. We got to go to the beautiful Exe estuary and watch these birds called Oystercatchers:smile: Though it was very muddy at times (so glad I had wellies), I really liked being outdoors doing cool science, and ultimately trying to figure out how we can help oystercatcher conservation!

I wish everyone expecting their results soon the best of luck:smile:

University of Exeter Student Ambassador
Reply 2
Honestly I don't have that many uni-related ones, for me it was basically a job. I liked what I was doing but there's no wistful nostalgia for me.

The Wildhearts played GRand Central Hall in Liverpool the same day I graduated from my PhD programme so graduation day was actually really good fun in the end (minus the legging it around to get to Liverpool city centre in time for the gig). We ended up in the Liffey with Danny, their bass player, and I finally got home at about half 7 the next morning. That was good fun.
Reply 3
I also had a boss night in Pembroke MCR during lockdown, even if we did need to sit 6 foot away from each other or whatever. Bar exchange with Linacre College. Meeting, drinking with, and becoming mates with some lads from some pretty big metal bands in Oxford's Wheatsheaf boozer. That was a good time.
I'm looking forwards to meeting new people and do fun things. I particularly want to be involved in the debating society (the debating society in my school was just the best and I want to carry on its legacy at university) and in music societies. I want to form a band, maybe? I'm bringing my electric guitar - future neighbours, relax. An unplugged electric guitar sounds even softer than an acoustic guitar and that's how I plan on playing as to not annoy you.
The support I'm getting at university i guess
I went to UCL. Turns out A-level grades don't convert to sense! - Some guy set the kitchen on fire (at 3am) by boiling pasta.. with no water...
I look back fondly on all the sleep I used to get :moon:
I look back fondly on all the sleep I used to get :moon:

Oh those stress free days of waking up and just going back to bed sleep because you have no responsibilities. Good times!
Original post by Noodlzzz
I went to UCL. Turns out A-level grades don't convert to sense! - Some guy set the kitchen on fire (at 3am) by boiling pasta.. with no water...

Laughing out loud!
Nostalgia : )

During my first undergraduate, my housemates and I used to stay up late discussing are hopes and plans for the future.

Oluwatosin 2nd year student University of Huddersfield
I look back fondly on all the sleep I used to get :moon:

Honestly, same - even going back to uni now, as I'll be PT working and PT studying, I don't think I'll ever quite be able to enjoy sleeping until 11am on a random Tuesday as I had no lectures and could just do my academic work later in the day to finish stuff :tongue:

(and PRSOM :biggrin: )
(edited 1 year ago)
There’s a lot that I’m looking forward to when I start the first year in October.

I look forward to bettering myself academically and having literal full afternoons in the laboratory, especially. I just need to make sure my practical technique isn’t too rusty after my gap year.
So many great memories :smile: probably a favourite was in my first Masters in the Chemistry Dept at Manchester, one of my peers had got a scholarship that covered all their travel costs but not accommodation costs.

They initially commuted from home in Huddersfield by train, but got fed up of all that time on the train. So they decided to camp under their bench through the week, eventually building a sort of mini bedsit (bedding, clothes space, cooking kit, radio) near the fume cupboards in one of the labs. Showering when they went home on the weekends . . .

Looking back, its amazing they avoided security at night, and avoided poisoning themselves with the environment. I graduated after 1 year and they stayed for four more years to do a PhD, initially persisting with this approach until they found a cheap house share
Remember having an unplanned party in halls towards the end of my second UG year where a load of folks ended up on the flat roof of the accommodation, by climbing out of my window. I was asked to leave halls :frown: Went for an open day with my daughter last year and noticed they have barriers there now

Ah, the folly of youth :smile:
I have another one from my UCL days!

We had welcome department drinks during freshers, a couple of the students (not even discreetly) put bottles of wine in their bags throughout the evening :biggrin:
One of my mates took a rabbit to a lecture, inside her backpack. Cue a confused looking Professor of Early Modern Philosophy staring intently at this jumping bag.
Or... during freshers fair they were handing out free coupons for an asian restaurant and I kept walking past the guy handing them out and he refused to give me or even give me eye contact. Got cross and straight up asked for one. He rather gingerly gave me a Japanese society leaflet. I am very white. Oops!
I'm looking forward to starting uni this year. I don't have any particular aspirations at the moment, but judging by some of the stories above at least my uni years won't be boring! :lol:
One time I was walking back to the GAB at about 2am after being in the boozer and the geese were out on the Isis with their goslings. There's a footbridge from Folly Bridge to the towpath and they were congregated under there. I walk past a lad with his girlfriend and they are cooing at the goslings, so I stop for a look.

The lad disappears into the flats opposite and comes back and hands me a tin of ale (for me), and some bread to feed the birds. Fantastic.

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