Did you use any additional booklet? Examiners have to manually attach the booklet to a question and so sometimes it gets missed. If you used an additional booklet, then ask for a remark.
Similarly, did you answer some questions outside of the designated answer space (eg blank pages/spaces)? If you did, that may also be missed too. We're supposed to mark everything but sometimes we do miss it when we mark hundreds of scripts. We only see the designated answer space when marking and have to manually attach anything that's not in the designated answer space.
Handwriting. This isn't even if it your handwriting is good/bad, but is your handwriting legible. Oftentimes, if an examiner can't understand it, they may just skip it (this also applies if your writing is cramped, eg writing two lines when you've been given one line). If you have handwriting that's not legible, it may be worth a remark and see if a second examiner can understand everything you've written.
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