The Student Room Group

Uni of Reading - Accommodation Swap

Thread to connect students seeking to cancel their accommodation contract and those students seeking accommodation.
Reply 1

As a quick intro, I’ll be a new post-grad Masters student starting in Sept 2023. I am seeking en-suite accommodation on Campus in Halls, but it appears all rooms on Campus have gone. Is there anyone online who already has a room in Halls and is looking to cancel their contract for their room?

(edited 1 year ago)
Have you asked to be put on a cancellation list?
Reply 3
I did enquire about a cancellation list, but was told there wasn’t one unfortunately.
Original post by smiley4588

As a quick intro, I’ll be a new post-grad Masters student starting in Sept 2023. I am seeking en-suite accommodation on Campus in Halls, but it appears all rooms on Campus have gone. Is there anyone online who already has a room in Halls and is looking to cancel their contract for their room?


How did you know all the rooms were gone?
I am still waiting for a place in clearing but I applied before 25th August so I cannot see what rooms is available or not
Reply 6
Original post by Anonymous
How did you know all the rooms were gone?

I called the Accommodation Office on Campus and they confirmed all the en-suite rooms were taken.
Original post by smiley4588

As a quick intro, I’ll be a new post-grad Masters student starting in Sept 2023. I am seeking en-suite accommodation on Campus in Halls, but it appears all rooms on Campus have gone. Is there anyone online who already has a room in Halls and is looking to cancel their contract for their room?


Hey Bhavika @smiley4588!

Sorry to hear that the en-suites are all full.
Have you tried joining the University of Reading Freshers 2023-24 group on Facebook and asking on there? I know a lot of people talk about accommodation changes on there so this may help the search! It may also be worth checking back with the accommodation team every so often in case someone cancels their contract.

Hope this helps & you find the room you want soon!

Skye :smile:
3rd Year Speech and Language Therapy Student
Reply 8
Thank you Skye for the recommendation. I’ll look into this :smile:
I need accommodation in Reading asap, any help is appreciated
Original post by forcedtomakeaunt
I need accommodation in Reading asap, any help is appreciated

Hey @forcedtomakeaunt

Sorry you're in a stressful situation!

I would suggest getting in touch with our accommodation team on 0118 200 5011 as soon as you can - they will be able to advise you of any options available on campus that are left, and also give you advice on other options you may have off-campus if necessary.

There's also a really helpful Housing page on the students union website, which may be helpful to you, which has information about other housing options for students.

Hope this helps and you get it sorted soon! Let us know if there's anything else we can help with.

Skye :smile:
4th Year Speech and Language Therapy Student
Reply 11
Original post by forcedtomakeaunt
I need accommodation in Reading asap, any help is appreciated

Hi, I have an en-suite room available in Kendrick hall, let me know if you are interested.
Reply 12
Original post by UniofReading
Hey Bhavika @smiley4588!

Sorry to hear that the en-suites are all full.
Have you tried joining the University of Reading Freshers 2023-24 group on Facebook and asking on there? I know a lot of people talk about accommodation changes on there so this may help the search! It may also be worth checking back with the accommodation team every so often in case someone cancels their contract.

Hope this helps & you find the room you want soon!

Skye :smile:
3rd Year Speech and Language Therapy Student

Hi Bhavika @smiley4588, I have en-suite accommodation available in Kendrick Hall to be taken over, let me know if you are interested.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by smiley4588

As a quick intro, I’ll be a new post-grad Masters student starting in Sept 2023. I am seeking en-suite accommodation on Campus in Halls, but it appears all rooms on Campus have gone. Is there anyone online who already has a room in Halls and is looking to cancel their contract for their room?


I'm trying to find a replacement tenant for my en suite accommodation, I'm not in campus halls but I am walking distance from the white knights campus (about 10-15 minutes). So I was wondering if you are still looking for a place, I want to move out asap :smile:
Original post by smiley4588

As a quick intro, I’ll be a new post-grad Masters student starting in Sept 2023. I am seeking en-suite accommodation on Campus in Halls, but it appears all rooms on Campus have gone. Is there anyone online who already has a room in Halls and is looking to cancel their contract for their room?


Hi are you still looking? I have a room I can give you at Kendricks Hall
Original post by smiley4588

As a quick intro, I’ll be a new post-grad Masters student starting in Sept 2023. I am seeking en-suite accommodation on Campus in Halls, but it appears all rooms on Campus have gone. Is there anyone online who already has a room in Halls and is looking to cancel their contract for their room?


Hi are you still looking? I have a room I can give you at Kendricks Hall cause I'm looking to move out

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