The Student Room Group

Official Year 12 Chat 2023-24

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Original post by Blackrose06
Hey, I'm Heather
In my GCSEs I got
Citizenship Studies-6
English Language-6
English Literature-5
PE- 5

I am studying A-level Maths and Chemistry and Level 3 diploma in Criminology.

I want to be a homicide detective but not totally sure how I'm going to do that yet.

Ooooo, homicide detective sounds amazing!
1. Hi I’m Nia!!
2. Sixth Form
3. Biology (OCR 8), Chemistry (OCR 8), Art (AQA 9)
4. I like drawing and reading!!
5. Nothing rn except maybe MUN?? I’m not sure
6. Like mst people I’m hoping for As and A*s lmao
7. Hopefully med and ideally at Aberdeen because I like their course
8. None…for GCSEs I genuinely just crammed the night before so I’m bit worried for alevel
Reply 82
Original post by Hawraa.A
What a year we've had!

It's official, we have finally made it out of the vomit-inducing GCSEs and will now have to dip our toes in unfamiliar waters.
So obviously it would be a whole debacle without a friend to turn to and who else is better than other poor humans who have no idea who you are but are in the same situation... well this is where TSR comes in.


So introductions first.

reply thread with

1. name / about yourself
2. Sixth Form / College or SFC
3. A - Levels or Btecs or other and exam boards if you know them (along with your subject grade at GCSE if you did it)
4. hobbies
5. Extracurriculars for UCAS or otherwise
6. What grades you're aiming for
7. What Uni or Course (if you know)
8. Useful Revision Techniques for yourself

but most importantly don't stress because the worst is yet to come.




Sixth form


A Levels in CompSci (OCR, 7), Maths (Ede., 8) and Physics (AQA, 7)


Writing fiction, reading, watching a *****on of movies, Jpop, gaming while broke


EPQ for CS (first meeting tomorrow), not too sure yet but I was offered to lead an IT club for 6F when I was in Y11




Computer Science and AI joint course (considering Birmingham, Loughborough, Warwick, Exeter...)


Past papers, Seneca, PMT

1. am I really here 😵*💫
2. Sixth Form
3. A - Levels: Biology (AQA, 9), History (AQA, 8), Economics (AQA), Psychology (Eduqas)
4. I do swimming and aikido, I like to write and read
5. So much. Too much. I am going to scream.
6. 4 A*s
7. Law at either Cambridge, Kings, Manchester, Durham, Bristol, (York is my safety just need to narrow down the rest)
8. Currently just typing up my notes after class

also currently not okay about losing the streak of making the yearly thread 😔
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Hawraa.A
What a year we've had!

It's official, we have finally made it out of the vomit-inducing GCSEs and will now have to dip our toes in unfamiliar waters.
So obviously it would be a whole debacle without a friend to turn to and who else is better than other poor humans who have no idea who you are but are in the same situation... well this is where TSR comes in.


So introductions first.

reply thread with

1. name / about yourself
2. Sixth Form / College or SFC
3. A - Levels or Btecs or other and exam boards if you know them (along with your subject grade at GCSE if you did it)
4. hobbies
5. Extracurriculars for UCAS or otherwise
6. What grades you're aiming for
7. What Uni or Course (if you know)
8. Useful Revision Techniques for yourself

but most importantly don't stress because the worst is yet to come.

1. Richard
2. Sixth Form
3. OCR A Biology, AQA Psychology and OCR Law.
4. I like gaming, cycling as well as reading.
5. I am being an peer mentor for Y7 students and I am also doing the EPQ as well as a essay writing competition. I am finding other things to do also.
6. AAA
7. I have no idea yet but I'm thinking like law at oxford or sheffield or nursing there or even medicine if im lucky.
8. Past Paper Questions and note taking during lesson as well as after.
Original post by Hawraa.A
What a year we've had!

It's official, we have finally made it out of the vomit-inducing GCSEs and will now have to dip our toes in unfamiliar waters.
So obviously it would be a whole debacle without a friend to turn to and who else is better than other poor humans who have no idea who you are but are in the same situation... well this is where TSR comes in.


So introductions first.

reply thread with

1. name / about yourself
2. Sixth Form / College or SFC
3. A - Levels or Btecs or other and exam boards if you know them (along with your subject grade at GCSE if you did it)
4. hobbies
5. Extracurriculars for UCAS or otherwise
6. What grades you're aiming for
7. What Uni or Course (if you know)
8. Useful Revision Techniques for yourself

but most importantly don't stress because the worst is yet to come.

1. Aspen/ Teddy. Self-proclaimed nerd (I am obsessed with Discworld in particular)
2. 6th form
3. Physics edexcel (GCSE 9), Biology ocr (GCSE 9), Maths edexcel (GCSE 9), Further maths ocr (OCR FSMQ A)
4. Reading, fiber craft (knitting, crochet etc)
5. Hopefully running physics society at school, currently directing a play
6. Ideally all As or A*s (at least one A*)
7. Currently design engineering- looking at Imperial, also Dyson
8. I Have No Idea I just do what feels right
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Hawraa.A
What a year we've had!

It's official, we have finally made it out of the vomit-inducing GCSEs and will now have to dip our toes in unfamiliar waters.
So obviously it would be a whole debacle without a friend to turn to and who else is better than other poor humans who have no idea who you are but are in the same situation... well this is where TSR comes in.


So introductions first.

reply thread with

1. name / about yourself
2. Sixth Form / College or SFC
3. A - Levels or Btecs or other and exam boards if you know them (along with your subject grade at GCSE if you did it)
4. hobbies
5. Extracurriculars for UCAS or otherwise
6. What grades you're aiming for
7. What Uni or Course (if you know)
8. Useful Revision Techniques for yourself

but most importantly don't stress because the worst is yet to come.

1. Suvan
2. Sixth Form
3. A Lvl - OCR Computer Science (GCSE 4, 6 Maths), Edexcel Psychology and Edexcel Politics
4. Like signal hunting using Priyom
5. Volunteering with a donation team relating to heart disease and other health. Position - Postal and Packaging
6. Az (Never got an A in life, only B and below in life)
7. QMUL - Computer Science Bsc
8. Stuff
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Hawraa.A
What a year we've had!

It's official, we have finally made it out of the vomit-inducing GCSEs and will now have to dip our toes in unfamiliar waters.
So obviously it would be a whole debacle without a friend to turn to and who else is better than other poor humans who have no idea who you are but are in the same situation... well this is where TSR comes in.


So introductions first.

reply thread with

1. name / about yourself
2. Sixth Form / College or SFC
3. A - Levels or Btecs or other and exam boards if you know them (along with your subject grade at GCSE if you did it)
4. hobbies
5. Extracurriculars for UCAS or otherwise
6. What grades you're aiming for
7. What Uni or Course (if you know)
8. Useful Revision Techniques for yourself

but most importantly don't stress because the worst is yet to come.

1. Christian
2. Sixth form
3. A-Levels: Biology (OCR), Chemistry (OCR), Maths (Edexcel). (677 at GCSE)
4. Swimming, cycling, piano, watching shows, movies and videos, idk tbh
5. Idk really as I'm not really doing much as it's September, but I'm planning on doing DofE Gold
6. Like most people here, I'm aiming for As and A*s
7. Idk really, probably biomed, biochem or medicine, probably at Imperial
8. Flashcards, seneca, notes and exam questions, really saved me at GCSE

Original post by kitty15
Hi, my name is Felicity.

. Sixth form
. A Levels: Bio, chem, maths, further maths (998 at gcse)
. Reading, sports
. Am going to do an EPQ and Dofe Gold Award. I also write for a Medic Mentor magazine in my spare time and join their medical societies.
. A*AA minimum I’m aiming for
. Medicine, biomed, biochem or compsci
. Past papers

Hi! Nice to meet you, good luck for yr 12!!
Reply 89
Original post by Hawraa.A
What a year we've had!

It's official, we have finally made it out of the vomit-inducing GCSEs and will now have to dip our toes in unfamiliar waters.
So obviously it would be a whole debacle without a friend to turn to and who else is better than other poor humans who have no idea who you are but are in the same situation... well this is where TSR comes in.


So introductions first.

reply thread with

1. name / about yourself
2. Sixth Form / College or SFC
3. A - Levels or Btecs or other and exam boards if you know them (along with your subject grade at GCSE if you did it)
4. hobbies
5. Extracurriculars for UCAS or otherwise
6. What grades you're aiming for
7. What Uni or Course (if you know)
8. Useful Revision Techniques for yourself

but most importantly don't stress because the worst is yet to come.

1. Diya
2. Sixth form college
3. A Levels - Chemistry (AQA), Physics (AQA) and Maths (Edexcel), 9s at GCSE for all three
4. I love reading and I play the flute
5. Maybe an EPQ, hopefully work experience and also hoping to sign up to some other programmes
6. As and A*s
7. Not completely sure but maybe astrophysics or engineering
8. Exam Qs, Making/Going over notes, Watching videos and I also like using the blurting method
Original post by Hawraa.A
What a year we've had!

It's official, we have finally made it out of the vomit-inducing GCSEs and will now have to dip our toes in unfamiliar waters.
So obviously it would be a whole debacle without a friend to turn to and who else is better than other poor humans who have no idea who you are but are in the same situation... well this is where TSR comes in.


So introductions first.

reply thread with

1. name / about yourself
2. Sixth Form / College or SFC
3. A - Levels or Btecs or other and exam boards if you know them (along with your subject grade at GCSE if you did it)
4. hobbies
5. Extracurriculars for UCAS or otherwise
6. What grades you're aiming for
7. What Uni or Course (if you know)
8. Useful Revision Techniques for yourself

but most importantly don't stress because the worst is yet to come.

1. Jasmine
2. Sixth form
3. A-levels: biology, psychology and chemistry (but probably switching chem to English lit)
5. Not doing any extra curriculars yet, probably will soon but idk what yet
6. Honestly no idea what grades whatever gets me into what I want to do next ig
7. No idea what uni or course
8. Flashcards, condensed notes, YouTube videos, past papers and studying mark schemes
Original post by Hawraa.A
What a year we've had!

It's official, we have finally made it out of the vomit-inducing GCSEs and will now have to dip our toes in unfamiliar waters.
So obviously it would be a whole debacle without a friend to turn to and who else is better than other poor humans who have no idea who you are but are in the same situation... well this is where TSR comes in.


So introductions first.

reply thread with

1. name / about yourself
2. Sixth Form / College or SFC
3. A - Levels or Btecs or other and exam boards if you know them (along with your subject grade at GCSE if you did it)
4. hobbies
5. Extracurriculars for UCAS or otherwise
6. What grades you're aiming for
7. What Uni or Course (if you know)
8. Useful Revision Techniques for yourself

but most importantly don't stress because the worst is yet to come.

1. Chioma
2. Sixth form
3. Biology (5 - (I did triple foundation) - OCR), Chemistry (7, OCR), Drama (M2, Performing arts Cambridge tech).
4. Singing, Reading, performing, basketball, doing chemistry stuff, Anime, learning languages.
5. I have work experience and I'm doing online research on Uni's that'll take me with the subjects I chose (because I want to go into Dentistry/Acting)
6. A A* A* hopefully I work hard and get them.
7. I'm not sure yet but Oxford or Cambridge university.
8. I planned on continuing with Cognito but they only do GCSEs so I'm using freesciencelessons because he does A levels and GCSEs for different exam boards too. He's really good!!
I HOPE YOU ALL GET THE GRADES YOU WANT. Wishing you the best!!
Omg hi Catalina, we’re doing the same subjects and I’m also thinking of CS at uni! I’ve also done CS50P during easter and I’m a really big fan of CS50 courses, I started with CS50x in 2020 then CS50AI, but it’s been a while and I don’t remember much from it lol. This is why I found GCSE CS boring like lessons on my native language. Hopefully A-level will be more stimulating. CS50 Cybersecurity and SQL is going to be released next month and I’m so excited. What’s your favourite area of CS?
Original post by CatalinaIK
1. Catalina
2. Sixth form
3. A-Levels: Maths, Further Maths, Physics & Computer Science (9s at GCSE)
4. Reading, singing, watching movies and shows, idk tbh
5. CS50p, 2 summer programmes (one online, one residential), virtual work experience; I'm looking to do more this year like books, research and stuff
6. I'm aiming for anything that will get me into uni tbh. Idk what I'm capable of since I just started sixth form but I would love to get all A*s at A-Level. Ik this is rlly hard so I'd be happy with anything that gets me into uni (probably A*A*AA). My school does AS and for AS I rllyyyy do want 4 As as it would form my predicted grades
7. Computer Science (it's so hard being a girl doing cs lol, there are literally no other girls in my class :frown:)
8. For GCSEs I didn't rlly have a proper strategy in place although it worked out as I am very happy with my grades. This year I want to have a proper method of revising. My system will be pre-reading before the lesson; taking notes during the lesson (in a on paper for Maths and Further, school notebook for Physics and computer for CS); writing revision notes after the lesson (iPad for Maths, Further Maths and Physics and typed for CS); making flashcards at the end of the week. Since my subjects are practical, I will be doing a lot of questions throughout this process
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by iohcareh
Omg hi Catalina, we’re doing the same subjects and I’m also thinking of CS at uni! I’ve also done CS50P during easter and I’m a really big fan of CS50 courses, I started with CS50x in 2020 then CS50AI, but it’s been a while and I don’t remember much from it lol. This is why I found GCSE CS boring like lessons on my native language. Hopefully A-level will be more stimulating. CS50 Cybersecurity and SQL is going to be released next month and I’m so excited. What’s your favourite area of CS?

Omg hiii! I really want to do CS50x when I finish CS50p (I've literally got 2 weeks left lol) but I am never able to find time to do it anymore. I also saw the CS50 cybersecurity course that really interested me as I love cybersecurity. So my favourite areas of CS are probably programming and cybersecurity although there isn't much that I don't like tbh (except the hardware aspect). Wbu? I've actually got my two first CS unit tests tmrw so I rllyyyy hope I do well
Original post by Hawraa.A
What a year we've had!

It's official, we have finally made it out of the vomit-inducing GCSEs and will now have to dip our toes in unfamiliar waters.
So obviously it would be a whole debacle without a friend to turn to and who else is better than other poor humans who have no idea who you are but are in the same situation... well this is where TSR comes in.


So introductions first.

reply thread with

1. name / about yourself
2. Sixth Form / College or SFC
3. A - Levels or Btecs or other and exam boards if you know them (along with your subject grade at GCSE if you did it)
4. hobbies
5. Extracurriculars for UCAS or otherwise
6. What grades you're aiming for
7. What Uni or Course (if you know)
8. Useful Revision Techniques for yourself

but most importantly don't stress because the worst is yet to come.

2. sixth form college
3. History, Economics, Maths, Physics
4. Reading, writing
5. MUN, considering doing a DoFE
6. A, A, A*, A*
7. Duhram or Manchester for physics
8. Making mindmaps and notes. Doing past-papers

Hopefully sixth form will be great for all of us!
Original post by Evil Homer
Just tagging in some of our Year 11 posters from last year who might want to get involved in our Official Year 12 Chat thread 2023-2024.

Get involved and say hello :smile:


Hello Everyone!! My name is Miya Malik and I received a strong set of GCSE Results varying from Grade 7-9!! I used to update TSR on my GCSE examinations & I discussed a few answers so some may know me already from that!
For my A Levels, I picked
English Lit

I aspire to achieve high As/A*s in these subjects & I can not wait to share our academic journey together

My main study technique is Anki (the best flash card maker in the world) & then I do practice papers from there! This strategy proved to be very successful at GCSE and I wish to transfer this over to A Levels

Good Luck for A Levels everyone
All the best, Miya!!!
Hello Year Twelve :smile:

Just a quick message to say we've now got a directory of A-level Study Groups available :smile:

These are subject-specific threads where you can chat with other students who are studying the same subjects as you, get some support, and offer help and friendly advice :biggrin: If there are any missing, feel free to create them and tag me in so I can add them to the directory.

Good luck with your first A-level year!

Year Twelve

Original post by Hawraa.A
What a year we've had!

It's official, we have finally made it out of the vomit-inducing GCSEs and will now have to dip our toes in unfamiliar waters.
So obviously it would be a whole debacle without a friend to turn to and who else is better than other poor humans who have no idea who you are but are in the same situation... well this is where TSR comes in.


So introductions first.

reply thread with

1. name / about yourself
2. Sixth Form / College or SFC
3. A - Levels or Btecs or other and exam boards if you know them (along with your subject grade at GCSE if you did it)
4. hobbies
5. Extracurriculars for UCAS or otherwise
6. What grades you're aiming for
7. What Uni or Course (if you know)
8. Useful Revision Techniques for yourself

but most importantly don't stress because the worst is yet to come.

1. hi i go by ging :smile:
2. sixth form
3. a level edexcel maths (7 at gcse), ocr A bio and chem (both 6s at gcse)
4. music, racing, farming, sheep showing and other sheepy activities.
5. EPQ i guess counts
6. im aiming for As all round but I know thats aiming high as i went to a terrible secondary school so i have many gaps in my knowledge!
7. maybe uni of bristol as it will allow me on the cource with my gcse grades, but i wish to go to others to study vetinary medicine or biovetinary
8. take breaks!!! Never overwork yourself itll just make matters worse (trust me, ive been through it)

hi all :smile:
Original post by Hawraa.A
What a year we've had!

It's official, we have finally made it out of the vomit-inducing GCSEs and will now have to dip our toes in unfamiliar waters.
So obviously it would be a whole debacle without a friend to turn to and who else is better than other poor humans who have no idea who you are but are in the same situation... well this is where TSR comes in.


So introductions first.

reply thread with

1. name / about yourself
2. Sixth Form / College or SFC
3. A - Levels or Btecs or other and exam boards if you know them (along with your subject grade at GCSE if you did it)
4. hobbies
5. Extracurriculars for UCAS or otherwise
6. What grades you're aiming for
7. What Uni or Course (if you know)
8. Useful Revision Techniques for yourself

but most importantly don't stress because the worst is yet to come.

HIIII Im Leila, I'm going to a Sixth Form college to study Computer Science (AQA), Physics (OCR), Maths (Edexcel), Further maths (Edexcel). I love to read, and draw occasionally but i haven't done much at the moment, been too busy. Does participating in Hackathons and challenges count as extracurriculars...? Id like an A* in maths and fm, hopefully an A in the others. I'd like to study Computer Science in Imperial, but that's a very very far fetched dream atm. I typically use flashcards, blurting or exam questions
Reply 99
Original post by grilledtomatoess
1. Ana
2. Sixth Form
3. Biology, Chemistry, Maths (997 at GCSE)
4. Anime, reading, sometimes playing games
5. EPQ if it counts? I'll also be running a medical club in school. I also read books related to medicine along with work experience in a Pharmacy and some virtual work experience.
6. I'm aiming for A*A*A* but A*A A or A*A*A seems more realistic? That's if I try my best throughout the whole two years.
7. Ultimate aim is Cambridge but if that fails then UCL or Kings also seem like amazing options. I'll also be applying for Medicine if you couldn't already tell.
8. Icl for GCSE I mainly used the PMT notes and just memorised those. This year I'll acc revise throughout the whole year. I'll also pre-read before lessons.

Hoping that we all get along here! :smile:

Hiii, I’m also aiming for med and wanted to ask : what made u choose doing an EPQ? I still haven’t decided whether to do one or not and I’m a bit conflicted . Any advice? My ultimate aim is Cambridge too btw LMAO

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