backstory is i first took a temporary withdrawal from uni from december 2021, after starting my second year and struggling with my mental health. went back in september to redo my second year and failed two modules in second term (needed to redo 1 essay and 1 exam), then february/march of this year hit and i, still struggling anyway, had a bereavement and things just spiralled from there. started doing better in july but when retakes hit in august i was so overwhelmed and the depression and anxiety reached a new low, my friend had a traumatic situation, my housemates were fighting daily, everything was horrendous. failed everything. i also had a trailed resit i needed to do from my first year. i was too sick (could not get out of bed, barely eating, wasn’t using my phone/devices etc) to submit my ec claims and by the time i could, the deadline had well passed.
i’ve been withdrawn from uni obviously, my next steps are an appeal and i was just looking for any advice or guidance on the appeal and just in general. i have an appointment booked for early next week with my students union to see if i have grounds for an appeal etc, but i’m just after anything really to tide me over the next 5/6 days and feel less like my life is over.
in the last couple weeks, post exams and realising i was going to fail everything, it helped me start to crawl out the depression pit a bit and try to get back into treatment, talk to my doctor that i need more, back to therapy to try that again for the third time, finally get that adhd diagnosis and disabled students needs assessment, etc. i’m just wanting to repeat second year again/only the one term if i can as i know there’s no way i will make it into third year, but i just don’t know if that’s going to happen.