Hi all, I am meant to be starting a History MA at the end of this month at UCL. However, recently I have been having doubts as the module selection was just released and the available options for me really do not interest me. I’ve been in contact with my old university where I study my undergraduate, Queen Mary University of London, and because I achieved a First Class undergraduate they would guarantee to me a place if I were to transfer. Their course is far more research focused unliked the taught masters course at UCL, and will give me the ability to study topics that I am more interested in.
My query is if I should switch? UCL is the more prestigious university of the two and has great reputation. And I want to pursue a PhD following my MA and hopefully a career in History academia, so im not sure if UCL would give me a better shot. However, QM Ma alumni has included those who have become lectures at LSE and UC Berkeley. I would also enjoy the QM course more, and it would be more affordable too.
So should I stick it out with UCL for the year or do the switch?