The Student Room Group

John Adams Hall UCL 2023 - 2024

Anyone whose going to be moving into the John Adams hall this year
hey I'm moving into the John Adams hall this year and I was wondering if anyone would want to trade rooms

I have a large single room and was hoping to trade for an en suite, if your hoping to save more money the single room would be great!

let me know!
Original post by Anonymous
Anyone whose going to be moving into the John Adams hall this year

hey I'm moving into the John Adams hall this year and I was wondering if anyone would want to trade rooms

I have a large single room and was hoping to trade for an en suite, if your hoping to save more money the single room would be great!

let me know!
Reply 3
hey im hoping to move into the John Adams Hall this year if all goes well. I have a few questions if you could please answer
1) how small is a twin room?
2) how do they determine the roommates?
3) do we have a say in choosing our halls / accommodation (undergraduate)
4)how much does an average utility bill cost?

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