The Student Room Group

Official University of Kent Applicant Thread for 2024

Hi there,

Welcome to the official University of Kent Applicant Thread for 2024! Here, you have the opportunity to meet and chat with fellow applicants and ask any questions you want regarding applying to University of Kent.

Below are some icebreaker questions to help you get started:

“What course are you applying for?”
“Will you be attending any Open Days?”
“How are you feeling about starting University?”

Get involved in more conversations by visiting our directory here and join in with the Yr 13 Chat thread here.

Good luck and happy posting!
hello if youve gotten an offer from kent, click here: Official University of Kent Offer Holders Thread for 2024 entry - The Student Room and view other official offer holder threads here: Official Offer Holder Threads for 2024 - The Student Room
(edited 1 year ago)
what’s kent social life like
Original post by 19usheikh
what’s kent social life like

Hi @19usheikh ,

I am going to be honest, I am not a big party person or clubbing person so I cant speak too much about that but our on campus club (Venue) is very popular amongst students as well as some of the clubs in Canterbury!

I am now in my final year but my first couple of years I joined societies which helped me meet more people but I do think it depends on what you like and the people you meet.

I would like to reassure you and others that there are events put on by the student union and Give it a Go (Kent Union - check them out on social media or here: who regularly have events that are non-drinking related if that isn't your thing!

University of Kent Student Rep

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