The Student Room Group

Continuing Highers after being expelled from school

Hi, I really need advice on this for one of my best friends who hasn't been given any support from our school after their expulsion. My friend wants to continue their Higher English and Higher RMPS qualifications, would they be able to do so as a private candidate or would their expulsion not allow them to? Thanks!
They probably should have thought about that before getting expelled :colonhash:
Original post by Femaiden
They probably should have thought about that before getting expelled :colonhash:

Thanks for the snarky comment then, I'm just trying to help out a friend
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 3
Original post by bunnyhoney
Thanks for the snarky comment then, I'm just trying to help out a friend

It's true though, schools only expel as an absolutely last resort, your friend will have been given multiple chances and opportunities and I'm sure their teachers would find it a bit rich that they would now suddenly be interested in their studies. I'm afraid this is a case of, hello actions, meet consequences...
Original post by bunnyhoney
Thanks for the snarky comment then, I'm just trying to help out a friend

Sorry for being blunt, but I don't imagine the school will be willing to help after your friend's (presumably) awful behaviour. I would suggest they look at colleges or other schools.
Original post by Laffer
It's true though, schools only expel as an absolutely last resort, your friend will have been given multiple chances and opportunities and I'm sure their teachers would find it a bit rich that they would now suddenly be interested in their studies. I'm afraid this is a case of, hello actions, meet consequences...

Simply put, you're wrong. I won't bother to explain the full story to you or argue with you about it. This is because I can imagine you're quite a close-minded individual. Rarely expulsion is not the fault of the pupil but their circumstances, which is why appeals exist. I only wanted an answer to my question and if you can't provide me with that then hop off. No hard feelings though. Have a good night :smile:
Original post by Femaiden
Sorry for being blunt, but I don't imagine the school will be willing to help after your friend's (presumably) awful behaviour. I would suggest they look at colleges or other schools.

No problem, however, I am aware that the school might not help but thought it would be worth asking around. I'm trying to help them research all their options and we have considered asking our local college about private candidacy. Thanks for being so civil about it even though my reply wasn't as formal as I would have preferred it to be.. :s-smilie:
Original post by bunnyhoney
No problem, however, I am aware that the school might not help but thought it would be worth asking around. I'm trying to help them research all their options and we have considered asking our local college about private candidacy. Thanks for being so civil about it even though my reply wasn't as formal as I would have preferred it to be.. :s-smilie:

Why was your friend expelled in the first place?
Why was your friend expelled in the first place?
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by bunnyhoney
No problem, however, I am aware that the school might not help but thought it would be worth asking around. I'm trying to help them research all their options and we have considered asking our local college about private candidacy. Thanks for being so civil about it even though my reply wasn't as formal as I would have preferred it to be.. :s-smilie:

All good my friend, sorry for my first comment, It was a bit mean. Good luck to you and your friend!
I knew someone who was expelled from school but allowed to continue Highers if each individual teacher agreed (on their own conditions). They all did and they were allowed to continue and sit exams (get your friend to ask the school/their teachers - I imagine it would depend on the reason for expulsion)

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