The Student Room Group

How destructive an advice can be?

If you are having difficulties at University with a lecturer or supervisor or even a personal advisor and came here looking for advice you will 9 out of 10 get answers and advice suggesting that it is probably nothing serious and you are over thinking or you might get told something like you are seeing things from your own perspective. I noticed there are people here for some reason always on the university's side. I know that i will get so many dislikes from them but I do not care. This sincere advice is for any student who is currently facing a nightmare supervisor or lecturer. Challenge them, do not accept feedback you disagree with, keep notes of everything, seek legal advice but do not settle for anything you are uncertain about because you will end up just like me. Losing money, and your carerer. The people here will never fault a university. But evil lecturers and university staff do exists. They will do everything to destroy you because it will look good on their files when they fail a student. I. E. They are serious, fair, assertive etc.. Do not let urself be the victim in order for them to look good. CHALLENGE THEM.