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Did anyone else apply today

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I'm in the process of applying and I'm in Year 13. Where it says to put your A level grade dates what date do you put, do we put the date of our year 12 mocks as those determined the predicted grades that i have put down
Original post by aryaan12345
Did anyone else apply today

Yes applied this morning
Original post by random555
Yes applied this morning

Have you got an interview?
Original post by aryaan12345
Have you got an interview?

Yes got one this morning!
Original post by random555
Yes got one this morning!

Same mines on monday
What work exp have you done?
Original post by aryaan12345
Same mines on monday
Did you guys submit a cover letter too?
hello! ive applied too! what exactly do they ask in the phone interview? curious to know as I've applied and haven't heard back!
Original post by Chris9870
I'm in the process of applying and I'm in Year 13. Where it says to put your A level grade dates what date do you put, do we put the date of our year 12 mocks as those determined the predicted grades that i have put down

I'm stuck here too, did you manage to find out what we are supposed to put?
Has anyone done the interview yet
Original post by aryaan12345
Has anyone done the interview yet

Did it this morning and passed
Original post by chai2k6
hello! ive applied too! what exactly do they ask in the phone interview? curious to know as I've applied and haven't heard back!

when did u apply? i havent heard back either
Original post by minty2222
Hi what day did u apply? I applied Nov 2nd and havent heard anything

I heard back in 2 days
Original post by random555
Did it this morning and passed

Hey what sort of things did they ask?
Original post by minty2222
when did u apply? i havent heard back either

Applied when it opened. Never mind though I think they may be overwhelmed with applications!! What about you?
Original post by minty2222
when did u apply? i havent heard back either

I imagine that after the first day applications built up massively. It also states that interview places are very limited so they are likely filtering through applications strictly
Original post by chai2k6
Applied when it opened. Never mind though I think they may be overwhelmed with applications!! What about you?

i applied 2nd nov, have you heard anything?
Original post by minty2222
i applied 2nd nov, have you heard anything?

Hey! No haven’t heard anything yet.
How many of you have got into the assessment centre in Jan?

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