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JP Morgan Technology Degree Apprenticeship 2024

This is going to be thread for people like myself who will be applying to JP Morgan for the technology degree apprenticeship in 2024. We can help each other out with the application process :smile:

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Original post by Logzz
This is going to be thread for people like myself who will be applying to JP Morgan for the technology degree apprenticeship in 2024. We can help each other out with the application process :smile:

Hi - i'm applying too, for a financial one at JP. I can't find where to apply - thought they were posted the other day. Have i missed the deadline? panicking!!!
Original post by rehelpme
Hi - i'm applying too, for a financial one at JP. I can't find where to apply - thought they were posted the other day. Have i missed the deadline? panicking!!!

This is what you're looking for :
Anyone know when the London ones open up, can only see the Bournemouth roles right now
Original post by lsadkfjlsdkafjk
Anyone know when the London ones open up, can only see the Bournemouth roles right now

October as stated clearly on the website.
Original post by Astray666
October as stated clearly on the website.

anyone applying for the engineering apprenticeship at the london office?
Same, I have my telephone interview on Thursday!
Original post by Jamiefairey
Applied to the Financial one at JPM on Sunday. I got a phone call interview email today, and booked it for Thursday. Anyone know the kind of questions they ask in the interview?

This is what someone from last year said:
My interview was very informal, they basically just asked me why JP Morgan? Why degree apprenticeship over Uni? How will I handle University and a apprenticeship? Biggest Weaknesses and one thing I'd want to add to JP morgan
Just do your research on the qualifications you'll earn and the whole apprenticeship cause they'll ask you what you think you'll do and gain during the 4 years.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by aadam11
the london ones have been uploaded now!

Can you send a link please, when I click apply I only see the bournemouth ones
Original post by aryaan12345
Can you send a link please, when I click apply I only see the bournemouth ones

london ones haven't been uploaded yet, it says applications for london programmes will open on October 30th
Thanks, good luck!
Original post by Jamiefairey
Congratulations! I’ve had a look over last years posts, seen some people saying they got these questions and others saying they go different ones. I’m going to message some apprentices on LinkedIn and ask them how their interview was and how to maximise chances of getting to the next steps.
The telephone interview was fine, they just asked really basic questions about you and what you know
Original post by Logzz
This is going to be thread for people like myself who will be applying to JP Morgan for the technology degree apprenticeship in 2024. We can help each other out with the application process :smile:

Im going to wait till october 30. I want the london one over bournemouth due to my location.
Good luck to everyone.
Im on a predicted A*aa and so far only have about 2 projects (HTMLCSS, python) with minimal work experience - 1 online tech - the rest in person non tech related.
I've been struggling to find the apprentices on linkedin for tech.
Original post by Jamiefairey
have you heard back from them?

Yes, they emailed me an hour later saying I passed so I’ve booked my assessment centre
Original post by sealion123
Yes, they emailed me an hour later saying I passed so I’ve booked my assessment centre

How soon have you booked it for?
Original post by aryaan12345
How soon have you booked it for?

i could only book it for january
Can you apply for both bournemouth and london?
Original post by aryaan12345
Can you apply for both bournemouth and london?

No you have to choose one. I can't decide which one to apply for. I'm worried living in London would be too expensive so waiting for the London one to open to compare the salaries.
Reply 18
Does anyone know what is in the interviews for the assessment centre, it says that we don't have to prepare, but if there are things like aptitude tests, surely it wouldn't hurt to practice.
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by sealion123
The telephone interview was fine, they just asked really basic questions about you and what you know

when they ask you questions on what you know
what are examples of these questions
(edited 1 year ago)

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