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how can i feel more confident about my NEAs / coursework ?

ive always struggled with the coursework side of my subjects , and unfortunately all of my subjects rely on coursework to some degree , but ive gotten the majority of it done although theres still parts of it i need to do . some of these are things im only just starting and while im working on it i feel so demotivated just bc of the lack of confidence in my work ( which isnt something i usually majorly struggle with , but because i dont like the coursework side very much , i dont like anything i produce either ) . how can i feel more confident in my work ?
Reply 1
In my opinion, the best way to feel more confident is to give yourself a lot of time to produce your coursework and to always ask for constructive criticism from your teacher. What subjects are you referring to?

For example, I did A-Level Media Studies and the coursework element was worth 30%. I started it as soon as we got the brief and every few weeks I kept emailing my teacher about giving me feedback because I really wanted to achieve the best possible mark for it. At first I was a low B grade but I was able to boost it up to an A* during the final few months before it was submitted.

Try not to compare your work with your other classmates or students as it may add to your low confidence.

Hope this helps
Reply 2
Original post by Aceful
In my opinion, the best way to feel more confident is to give yourself a lot of time to produce your coursework and to always ask for constructive criticism from your teacher. What subjects are you referring to?

For example, I did A-Level Media Studies and the coursework element was worth 30%. I started it as soon as we got the brief and every few weeks I kept emailing my teacher about giving me feedback because I really wanted to achieve the best possible mark for it. At first I was a low B grade but I was able to boost it up to an A* during the final few months before it was submitted.

Try not to compare your work with your other classmates or students as it may add to your low confidence.

Hope this helps

im taking english lit and english lang ( separately ) and both are 20% coursework so its not a huge percentage , and my predicted grades are high but in case i do completely screw up the exams it could still boost me up a grade as long as i do well in it . i also take drama but the majority of it is coursework so im not really including it in this . im not sure how much feedback teachers are allowed to give either because there are dedicated deadlines for handing in drafts where we ' ll receive feedback but in between that im not too sure - ill ask my teachers about that though .

literature isnt going too bad because my feedback was generally positive and the main point was reduce the word count , but the language NEA has two parts to it and we ' re onto the second part now and for it ive written a transcript . what i feel most concerned about is analysing the transcript , but i guess i just have to approach it the same way i ' d approach a transcript in an exam . the analysis at the moment doesnt have to be majorly detailed , so im really not sure if its something i could get helpful feedback on

thank you for the advice though , even if im only allowed a certain amount of feedback in this , ill definitely ask for more in other areas of my studies !

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