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Advice on how to drop this a level or what to do

Hi so I'm doing math, FM AS, physics and chemistry. So what happened was that initially I wanted to do computer science instead of chemistry however I didn't get get computer science so I chose chemistry as a backup and then hopefully when the year started I could change what happened is that I couldn't change. So I already got a tutor for FM AS so I wanted to do FM a level privately my school said even if I do that I'll have to still do minimum 3 a levels with them then in October I had a surgery so I left for about a month and couldn't follow this issue now I can't change chemistry a level at all not even switch with BTEC business now I don't know what to do since chemistry I remember nothing at all from GCSE like in all seriousness I actually forgot how to balance an equation. Like do u guys have any advice on what do my school said that if I really want to change I'd have to reapply at stay back a year which I don't wanna do.
Original post by Noman772
Hi so I'm doing math, FM AS, physics and chemistry. So what happened was that initially I wanted to do computer science instead of chemistry however I didn't get get computer science so I chose chemistry as a backup and then hopefully when the year started I could change what happened is that I couldn't change. So I already got a tutor for FM AS so I wanted to do FM a level privately my school said even if I do that I'll have to still do minimum 3 a levels with them then in October I had a surgery so I left for about a month and couldn't follow this issue now I can't change chemistry a level at all not even switch with BTEC business now I don't know what to do since chemistry I remember nothing at all from GCSE like in all seriousness I actually forgot how to balance an equation. Like do u guys have any advice on what do my school said that if I really want to change I'd have to reapply at stay back a year which I don't wanna do.

Why not ditch Chemistry, ditch the tutor, and take Maths, Further Maths and Physics A levels via your school?
Original post by Noman772
Hi so I'm doing math, FM AS, physics and chemistry. So what happened was that initially I wanted to do computer science instead of chemistry however I didn't get get computer science so I chose chemistry as a backup and then hopefully when the year started I could change what happened is that I couldn't change. So I already got a tutor for FM AS so I wanted to do FM a level privately my school said even if I do that I'll have to still do minimum 3 a levels with them then in October I had a surgery so I left for about a month and couldn't follow this issue now I can't change chemistry a level at all not even switch with BTEC business now I don't know what to do since chemistry I remember nothing at all from GCSE like in all seriousness I actually forgot how to balance an equation. Like do u guys have any advice on what do my school said that if I really want to change I'd have to reapply at stay back a year which I don't wanna do.

Hi, I hope you are having a speedy recovery 🙂 I think its unfair that your school will not let you change, have you tried to get your parents/carers involved? If chemistry is not needed for the career that you want then they should let you change, however your subjects do link very well so it may not end up too bad?
Reply 3
Original post by DataVenia
Why not ditch Chemistry, ditch the tutor, and take Maths, Further Maths and Physics A levels via your school?

My school doesn't offer FM A level only only FM AS level
Reply 4
Original post by Bernadette12365
Hi, I hope you are having a speedy recovery 🙂 I think its unfair that your school will not let you change, have you tried to get your parents/carers involved? If chemistry is not needed for the career that you want then they should let you change, however your subjects do link very well so it may not end up too bad?

Original post by Noman772
My school doesn't offer FM A level only only FM AS level

Oh. That's a shame. :frown:

Given that it's too late to switch now (unless you want to take the rest of the academic year as a gap year and start again in September, which you've said you "don't wanna do"), your only real option is to stick with Chemistry and hope that some of the GCSE Chemistry you learned starts coming back to you.

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