Hello. I am a private candidate (mature applicant) living outside the UK. Two days ago, my local British Council informed me that they will not be delivering A Level exams this year (no reason stated). Unfortunately, the few schools that are also registered as exam centres in my country said that they do not accept private candidates.
I was panicking so I tried reaching out to exam centres in nearby countries. Only one (Japan) replied that they would have no problem accepting private candidates as long as they have space left (I assume this is available space after they are able to complete their own entries) but are unable to confirm any available space for private candidates right now. The examination officer said to reach out to her again by the end of January to check.
Assuming that there will be a space left for me to sit the A Level exams with them, unfortunately, I will not be able to afford to fly out of the country to take the exams because of the cost of accommodation (the exam centre is in the metro). I will most likely be able to afford everything else but that. I am feeling dejected because this would be my only shot to get into a good university due to extenuating family circumstances.
Any advice would be helpful. Thank you.