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alevels media studies

can someone pls give me an overview of a levels media studies because i dont know what to expect.Plus does it go with business and economics?
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Original post by areebaumair
can someone pls give me an overview of a levels media studies because i dont know what to expect.Plus does it go with business and economics?

Hi, it depends what board, I do Eduqas. 70% of your mark at the end is theory in 2 written exams, and 30% is coursework. I think all boards have a coursework element but I don’t know if the grading amount is the same.
In theory you learn about camera angles, movements, techniques etc to begin with and then go on to analysing texts. It is a lot like English language GCSE where you need to pick out things and elaborate on why they have been used, but obviously it is analysing media like posters, adverts etc. And not writing. It can be things like why has the producer used this colour palette, this text, this representation of people and what is the purpose? What kind of audience is it aiming to attract and how is it doing this? I personally find it very interesting. You also learn about media theories, like feminist theories and how this impacts representation of women in media. There is also industry facts and how budgets affect production, which would link well with your other subjects.

In the practical element, depending on the option your college chooses, you may design a magazine, make a music video or a short film (or something similar). You get a brief and have to design the product in line with the brief, targeting a specific audience through the media language you use.
I hope this helps! I personally really love the subject for the analysis aspect, but if essay writing and critical analysis isn’t your thing I wouldn’t recommend.

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