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Rejected from Wadham PPE

Obviously from the title I got rejected pre-interview. I'm surprisingly OK about it because I knew TSA went awfully, but I still have a main concern.
I have applied to do PPE at all my universities, and I'm hoping to get into King's College London. I feel, though, that doing PPE at a university which isn't Oxford will be frowned upon, and as soon as I say which uni I go to, people will know I was rejected from Oxford.

Also, if you look at politics, basically anyone good went to Oxford, so I feel like I've messed up my future without it even beginning yet!

Anyway, can someone please shed some light on this situation? Is it OK and acceptable for me to do PPE at Kings? I really want to go (although I am worried about finance), just nervous about future prospects.
Original post by aloevera4
Obviously from the title I got rejected pre-interview. I'm surprisingly OK about it because I knew TSA went awfully, but I still have a main concern.
I have applied to do PPE at all my universities, and I'm hoping to get into King's College London. I feel, though, that doing PPE at a university which isn't Oxford will be frowned upon, and as soon as I say which uni I go to, people will know I was rejected from Oxford.

Also, if you look at politics, basically anyone good went to Oxford, so I feel like I've messed up my future without it even beginning yet!

Anyway, can someone please shed some light on this situation? Is it OK and acceptable for me to do PPE at Kings? I really want to go (although I am worried about finance), just nervous about future prospects.

Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your rejection.
PPE at any of the top UK universities is a very competitive and rigorous degree - one which opens doors to very many career paths. Whilst Oxford are naturally the most sought after university for the course, there is nothing to suggest that other universities will not guarantee you a strong starting point for a career in politics. It's important to recognise that the world is changing and that, by the time you're an adult, being so privileged as to go to Oxford will not be the conventional route into politics. Ultimately, it's most important to pursue what you're passionate about and opportunities will follow naturally.
King's is a great university for the study of PPE. Where else have you applied?
Reply 2
Original post by Pisceanprince
Hi, I'm sorry to hear about your rejection.
PPE at any of the top UK universities is a very competitive and rigorous degree - one which opens doors to very many career paths. Whilst Oxford are naturally the most sought after university for the course, there is nothing to suggest that other universities will not guarantee you a strong starting point for a career in politics. It's important to recognise that the world is changing and that, by the time you're an adult, being so privileged as to go to Oxford will not be the conventional route into politics. Ultimately, it's most important to pursue what you're passionate about and opportunities will follow naturally.
King's is a great university for the study of PPE. Where else have you applied?

thanks so much for the reality check :smile:
I've also applied to Sheffield (accepted), Leeds (accepted) and Warwick (waiting)
Original post by aloevera4
Obviously from the title I got rejected pre-interview. I'm surprisingly OK about it because I knew TSA went awfully, but I still have a main concern.
I have applied to do PPE at all my universities, and I'm hoping to get into King's College London. I feel, though, that doing PPE at a university which isn't Oxford will be frowned upon, and as soon as I say which uni I go to, people will know I was rejected from Oxford.

Also, if you look at politics, basically anyone good went to Oxford, so I feel like I've messed up my future without it even beginning yet!

Anyway, can someone please shed some light on this situation? Is it OK and acceptable for me to do PPE at Kings? I really want to go (although I am worried about finance), just nervous about future prospects.

People won’t care where you applied - ultimately people care what you achieve & offer not where you lived. Yes Oxford & PPE is statistically over represented in front line politics but it’s certainly not true that they all are from Oxford. Far from it, governments are actually made up of diverse cohorts & they need diversity of background which is why you see lots of people from financial services, healthcare, academia, private business, public sector & many more industries.

What I would say is politics is brutal & requires relentless individual - if an undergraduate university rejection is enough to make you question your ability to break in I suspect you would struggle regardless, as this personality isn’t suited to highly competitive environments (where being rejected over & over , potentially dozens of times before progression is part of the process of breaking in).
Reply 4
People won’t care where you applied - ultimately people care what you achieve & offer not where you lived. Yes Oxford & PPE is statistically over represented in front line politics but it’s certainly not true that they all are from Oxford. Far from it, governments are actually made up of diverse cohorts & they need diversity of background which is why you see lots of people from financial services, healthcare, academia, private business, public sector & many more industries.

What I would say is politics is brutal & requires relentless individual - if an undergraduate university rejection is enough to make you question your ability to break in I suspect you would struggle regardless, as this personality isn’t suited to highly competitive environments (where being rejected over & over , potentially dozens of times before progression is part of the process of breaking in).

Thanks so much for your input!
I don't think it's fair that you can assume what my personality is from a post, though. It's important to remember that I'm only 17, this is my first academic rejection, and I created this post to process how I felt. I wasn't questioning my ability at all, I know I'm intelligent enough - I'm just looking at options. Thanks anyway, though :smile:
(edited 1 year ago)
King's is an excellent university, you should be proud if you receive an offer.
Original post by aloevera4
thanks so much for the reality check :smile:
I've also applied to Sheffield (accepted), Leeds (accepted) and Warwick (waiting)

All of your application choices are competitive universities, but reputation-wise (if that's what you're seeking), it'd be ordered as 1. Warwick 2. King's 3. Sheffield 4. Leeds. Congrats on your offers though! Only you know your capabilities and it's certainly not solely determined by your university.
Original post by aloevera4
Obviously from the title I got rejected pre-interview. I'm surprisingly OK about it because I knew TSA went awfully, but I still have a main concern.
I have applied to do PPE at all my universities, and I'm hoping to get into King's College London. I feel, though, that doing PPE at a university which isn't Oxford will be frowned upon, and as soon as I say which uni I go to, people will know I was rejected from Oxford.

Also, if you look at politics, basically anyone good went to Oxford, so I feel like I've messed up my future without it even beginning yet!

Anyway, can someone please shed some light on this situation? Is it OK and acceptable for me to do PPE at Kings? I really want to go (although I am worried about finance), just nervous about future prospects.

Your TSA was not on par with other applicants. So your major downfall was the TSA. Perhaps you could re-apply next year to another college and improve your TSA score!!! 😀
Original post by aloevera4
Obviously from the title I got rejected pre-interview. I'm surprisingly OK about it because I knew TSA went awfully, but I still have a main concern.
I have applied to do PPE at all my universities, and I'm hoping to get into King's College London. I feel, though, that doing PPE at a university which isn't Oxford will be frowned upon, and as soon as I say which uni I go to, people will know I was rejected from Oxford.

Also, if you look at politics, basically anyone good went to Oxford, so I feel like I've messed up my future without it even beginning yet!

Anyway, can someone please shed some light on this situation? Is it OK and acceptable for me to do PPE at Kings? I really want to go (although I am worried about finance), just nervous about future prospects.

"if you look at politics, basically anyone good went to Oxford"......

If you genuinely think this after the last 15yrs, then it's likely that your motivation to go into politics isn't for the right reasons. A successful politician is one who represents their continents well and perhaps helps to shape successful policies at the national level. I really don't think there's a tonne of evidence that these two conditions for success as a politician are more likely to be met by Oxford grads (especially PPE ones) than grads of any other uni in recent years.
Original post by BenRyan99
"if you look at politics, basically anyone good went to Oxford"......

If you genuinely think this after the last 15yrs, then it's likely that your motivation to go into politics isn't for the right reasons. A successful politician is one who represents their continents well and perhaps helps to shape successful policies at the national level. I really don't think there's a tonne of evidence that these two conditions for success as a politician are more likely to be met by Oxford grads (especially PPE ones) than grads of any other uni in recent years.

I was wondering if there is a point in me applying to a top uni such as LSE or imperial for economics/ econ finance and data science. If not what unis are in my range?
A2 predicted:Maths A, Further Maths A, Physics A,Econ A*
GCSE:9, 2 8s, 2 7s, 2 6s, 3 5s, 3
I do get contextual offer everywhere if this helps.
Original post by BenRyan99
"if you look at politics, basically anyone good went to Oxford"......

If you genuinely think this after the last 15yrs, then it's likely that your motivation to go into politics isn't for the right reasons. A successful politician is one who represents their continents well and perhaps helps to shape successful policies at the national level. I really don't think there's a tonne of evidence that these two conditions for success as a politician are more likely to be met by Oxford grads (especially PPE ones) than grads of any other uni in recent years.

As someone who studied at Oxford. I would if I could ban anyone who studied PPE at Oxford from going anywhere near UK politics, for at least a generation.

Also, if the OP is inclined to the conservative side of things, lefty Wadham would not have been the obvious college to go to!

Simon Kupfer's book "Chums" is a brilliant indictment of the Oxford political class which has driven Britain onto the rocks.
(edited 11 months ago)

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