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With a law and criminology degree how hard will it be to get into commercial law?

I'm wanting to go to Uni of Sheffield next year, I applied for LLB Law however due to me being one grade off (A*BB, rather than AAA) they offered me a place on their law and criminology course. I've looked at the course modules and it looks really interesting. However I ulitmately want to get into commercial law and go down the non criminal route, how much am I at a disadvantage with a law and criminology degree in trying to get into commercial law compared to a regular law degree?

I was also accepted to the Uni of York for a regular law degree, despite this being a slightly higher ranked uni than Sheffield, I would much rather go to Sheffield, mainly for social reasons.

If a law and criminology degree will barely affect me in trying to go into commercial law then I'll probably just go to Sheffield, however if it will make a big difference then I'd rather go to a less enjoyable uni (in my opinion) being York.

Can anyone offer any advice for my situation :smile:
Reply 1
Original post by freddiefowlerr
I'm wanting to go to Uni of Sheffield next year, I applied for LLB Law however due to me being one grade off (A*BB, rather than AAA) they offered me a place on their law and criminology course. I've looked at the course modules and it looks really interesting. However I ulitmately want to get into commercial law and go down the non criminal route, how much am I at a disadvantage with a law and criminology degree in trying to get into commercial law compared to a regular law degree?

I was also accepted to the Uni of York for a regular law degree, despite this being a slightly higher ranked uni than Sheffield, I would much rather go to Sheffield, mainly for social reasons.

If a law and criminology degree will barely affect me in trying to go into commercial law then I'll probably just go to Sheffield, however if it will make a big difference then I'd rather go to a less enjoyable uni (in my opinion) being York.

Can anyone offer any advice for my situation :smile:

What were your predicted grades if you dont mind me asking because I maybe applying for that course as well. Btw also answering your question you can go into any law afterwards because its an LLB degree so dw criminology is just an extra module and actually will widen your knowledge! 🙂
Original post by Loliara
What were your predicted grades if you dont mind me asking because I maybe applying for that course as well. Btw also answering your question you can go into any law afterwards because its an LLB degree so dw criminology is just an extra module and actually will widen your knowledge! 🙂

Thanks for the insight ! To answer your question about my predicted grades, I took a gap year after my A-levels so I applied with my actual grades (A*BB) rather than predicted grades.
Original post by freddiefowlerr
I'm wanting to go to Uni of Sheffield next year, I applied for LLB Law however due to me being one grade off (A*BB, rather than AAA) they offered me a place on their law and criminology course. I've looked at the course modules and it looks really interesting. However I ulitmately want to get into commercial law and go down the non criminal route, how much am I at a disadvantage with a law and criminology degree in trying to get into commercial law compared to a regular law degree?

I was also accepted to the Uni of York for a regular law degree, despite this being a slightly higher ranked uni than Sheffield, I would much rather go to Sheffield, mainly for social reasons.

If a law and criminology degree will barely affect me in trying to go into commercial law then I'll probably just go to Sheffield, however if it will make a big difference then I'd rather go to a less enjoyable uni (in my opinion) being York.

Can anyone offer any advice for my situation :smile:

Hi @freddiefowlerr,

The most important thing is working out if the law and crim degree is a qualifying law degree (basically, does it have LLB in front of it). If it is a qualifying law degree then this shouldn't hold you back at all as to qualify as either a Solicitor or Barrister you will have to do further qualifications. What is important, is that you get good grades throughout your degree and future qualifications. Therefore, if you think you won't enjoy the crim aspects as much then I would consider whether you think this will be a dislike that results in your grade being dragged slightly due to disinterest. If you don't think this is an issue then I would stick with Sheffield 🙂

I hope this helps and good luck!

Original post by UniofLaw Student
Hi @freddiefowlerr,

The most important thing is working out if the law and crim degree is a qualifying law degree (basically, does it have LLB in front of it). If it is a qualifying law degree then this shouldn't hold you back at all as to qualify as either a Solicitor or Barrister you will have to do further qualifications. What is important, is that you get good grades throughout your degree and future qualifications. Therefore, if you think you won't enjoy the crim aspects as much then I would consider whether you think this will be a dislike that results in your grade being dragged slightly due to disinterest. If you don't think this is an issue then I would stick with Sheffield 🙂

I hope this helps and good luck!


Yeah this helps massively, thanks!

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