I took Maths & Economics at the start of Year 12, only started doing Further Maths halfway through Year 12 (long story short: didn't realise I needed it for a competitive application to Oxbridge. got rejected anyway due to me barely revising for TMUA, oh well!)
Economics was fun, but since I'm doing Computer Science it made more sense for me to do Maths/Further Maths alongside it, and I just liked Psychology just a tiny bit more (but I do like both subjects!)
Maths was not enjoyable for me, up until I picked up Further Maths ironically enough. Year 1 Pure/Stats is mostly just GCSE recap at the beginning - Further Maths introduced some new content which made me enjoy both subjects a lot more. (also, we quite often had to speedrun a few Maths concepts we hadn't learnt yet, as at my 6th form they do both subjects in parallel! I'm aware that others do A-level maths in a year, further maths the next, etc).