The Student Room Group

book diary

Hey everyonee!!
So, this has absolutely got nothing to do with academics... well kinda lol, but I wanted to do a book diary thread.
I'm not really much of reader, well at least am not anymore, and want to start getting back into it. Not for any particular reasons, but I'm going to be doing english lit for a-levels and my english teacher told me it's good to read a variety of books to deepen understanding of literature.
I'm starting this today, no idea when i will end it. maybe no time soon ahaha.
My goal is to read one book a week starting from christmas day which is a monday!
I'll be leaving a review every time a finish reading a book with my thoughts, opinions, ratings etc.
I used to be quite the die hard reader a couple of years💀 but then stopped but I really do feel like now is the time to rekindle my passion with books and reading.
Thank you so much to anyone who wants to keep up with this and if yall have any book suggestions leave them down below👇 (they can literally be anything, from classics to booktok fics, i dont mind😂).
Also, this thread is one of my only thread where I'm active so even if you don't want to talk about books, feel free to post anything about school, music or even something that you wish to share. Everyone is welcome here💗.
Have a lovely day x
(edited 1 year ago)

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following interested to see what u read im a big bookworm myself
Original post by ebyrne2036
following interested to see what u read im a big bookworm myself

Thank you!! Expect a update soon 💕
Hi guys! Happy Saturday
I hope everyone had a fun, relaxed and productive week because I know I most certainty did. (well kind of lol, did only the bare minimum of revision when I have exams restarting literally in a day. sigh.)
It's the holidays, and that means I have a LOT of free time on my hands (🌚) . So what did I do? Pick up a book. A big book.
I mean it's fair to say it took me quite a while to read this. It's a book that was trending absolutely everywhere on tiktok last year and I bought it a while back but was far too intimidated by the sheer quantity of this book. It was a tremendously hyped book by an author that is very controversial in recent times due to her zionist beliefs and support of the israelis in the israel-palestine conflict. As I've said I bought this book MONTHS ago, I'm talking like june 2023 ish so like a month after it came out. This act of purchasing her work does in no way, shape or form mean I am in support of her and what she stands for, but like come on now. Throwing it away would just be more waste. So with that being said, please refrain from posting any hate or malicious comments on here as this is not a place for that. And anyone who does do this will be reported. However, if you are curious to know about this conflict or my opinion on this, reach out to me via different means. Thank you for your understanding.
So the book that I'm going to be talking about today is:

genre: fantasy
age rating: 18+ (but who honestly is gonna follow this lets bfr) (not only sexually explicit content, but a lot of talk about violence and deaths)
spice: 🌶🌶/3 (due to the detail not the amount of smut chapters there are)
characters: 3/5 (nothing special imo)
plot: 4/5 (surprisingly good, there is a jaw dropping cliff hanger at the end tho-)
overall rating: 4/5 (i mean, i really enjoyed this book🤷*♀️)

Don't get me wrong, this book was a long read for and for a book that was 500 pages, it actually took me a lot more time to read it that I expected. I know I'm writing this post now, but it is a bit overdue and so let me clear up some dates. I started this thread 22-12-2023. I didn't start reading Fourth Wing on this day or the day after, no. I started on christmas eve (I know I said christmas day but change of plans haha). I finished the book completely on 27-12-2023. So after 4 days. And if anyone of you are wondering, 'but i thought you said this was a long read'?. It was. For me. Usually for a 300 page book, it takes me a day or 2 maximum. So with that in mind I thought a 500 page book would take maybe 3 full days, but that was pushing it. But when I started, omg. It was actually just so many words on the page. And the thing about the fourth wing book, it's a hard cover and also the measurements aren't normal. The book is a bit longer shaped and the print is soo small. So I hated holding it whilst reading, and this might seem like such a petty thing but I hate reading in hardcovers. The only time I ever consider buying hardcovers is if I have a paperback copy of that book already. And I hate weird book sizings, I mean call me whatever but I seriously cannot. Does anyone else have this peeve or is it just me?🤣
Anyways I'm not going to talk about the book much, in case I give spoilers to anyone who has had this book in mind, their tbr, or is curious to read it. But I would recommend looking into online pdfs of this book instead of buying one due to reasons, even though this is pretty unethical. I don't know. Do whatever, maybe look into a local library and see if they have it?
But the book plot is really good, I've read books where this is lack of appreciation for the fantasy elements of the story but Yarros definitely paid extra attention to dragons in the story and really tailored each one so that it has such a personality that audiences very easily fall in love with. The appreciation of dragons is crazy in this book, and ik lot of people can be grateful for that since its lacking it majority of other fantasy book with dragon lore. On top of that, the whole plot of this story is really good too. The main trope between the main character and male lead is enemies to lover, which we know is always going to eat. I mean the tension the two had was absolutely insane, and I think it was such a genius idea to build that up and start actual physical romance more into the book near the end. But even with it being near the end, there is A LOT of spice in the only two chapters that contain any smut. The good thing about the smut is that it's not very 'every other chapter' kind of thing, but actually implemented where necessary. If you're uncomfortable with smut, you could even skip those parts (but do read the last few lines so you're not leave utterly confused as you transition into the following chapter lol). The main character is a bit infuriating it at times I will say though, I find her a bit *****y but I mean that's like every female lead ever so doesn't really matter and not something to nit-pick.
Soo, that's about it everyone! I refrained from using any any names of characters/locations, and will probably be doing so for other books too unless someone want to know then I'll tell them, since I don't want to give any spoilers! (but dont quote me on this if i dont do this in the future)
Let me know what you thought of this, if you want to see me write something like this for a book of your recommendation, if you've read this book before, you're are wanting to pick it up or put it on your already endless tbr😉

Hope you have a great rest of you day and lots of wishes!! <3
(edited 1 year ago)
Ohhh i got this one for xmas and im excited to read it! I know its been very hyped but it seems like it was worth it
Have a great rest of ur weekend and weekend
Original post by ebyrne2036
Ohhh i got this one for xmas and im excited to read it! I know its been very hyped but it seems like it was worth it
Have a great rest of ur weekend and weekend

Oh, that's great! I would love to know your thoughts on it when your done. It was for sure a read worth it, especially for as a y/a. You won't be disappointed :]
Amazing ive just started it and wow im hooked already will probably finish it this week!
The book I've decided to read for this week is actually not a book, but a play. A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams!
Reply 8
Original post by heartz4moushi
The book I've decided to read for this week is actually not a book, but a play. A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams!

I've only just found this thread but I'm going to follow on to see what you read!!

I studied Streetcar last year (yr12) as part of my A-Level course! I'd love to see what you think of it!!
Original post by máni
I've only just found this thread but I'm going to follow on to see what you read!!

I studied Streetcar last year (yr12) as part of my A-Level course! I'd love to see what you think of it!!

Welcome aboard this ride. I hope you enjoy!! 💕
Ohh hope enjoy it it wasn’t too bad tbh i did it for a level as well
Fourth Wing is next on my to be read 😂

If you liked that sort of fantasy young adult genre the book Powerless is popular right now and I found to be enjoyable. A great one when you begin reading I’ve found is A Good Girls Guide To Murder. Scythe I found was a good dystopian young adult book - it’s about the world in the future when we’ve found a way to live forever, so the world gets overpopulated, and people become ‘scythes’ to control the population by ‘gleaning’ them. It’s a dark concept but the book itself I think is one of the better written young adult ones.

Those are more fiction, and to be honest I’m more of a YA person myself (because all social media talks about and I honestly enjoy them even if they’re not masterpieces).

If these aren’t part of your English lit curriculum, I really enjoyed reading Of Mice and Men, and The Lord of the Flies. Both of them were interesting and thought provoking, and I particularly enjoyed how Lord of The Flies mirrors the human nature (it follows a group of schoolboys who crash on an island and try to make their own civilisation). Those are good options if you’d like to expand your reading.

Then for classics I know most English lit curriculums read Jane Eyre so that may be a good one, but I’d say start with Little Women, that’s one of the few classics I could get into.

I’m definitely following this thread because my goal this year was to become ‘more knowledgeable’ and basically read more about everything. Also your review of the the first book is really motivating me to finish my current one .
Original post by study23!
Fourth Wing is next on my to be read 😂

If you liked that sort of fantasy young adult genre the book Powerless is popular right now and I found to be enjoyable. A great one when you begin reading I’ve found is A Good Girls Guide To Murder. Scythe I found was a good dystopian young adult book - it’s about the world in the future when we’ve found a way to live forever, so the world gets overpopulated, and people become ‘scythes’ to control the population by ‘gleaning’ them. It’s a dark concept but the book itself I think is one of the better written young adult ones.

Those are more fiction, and to be honest I’m more of a YA person myself (because all social media talks about and I honestly enjoy them even if they’re not masterpieces).

If these aren’t part of your English lit curriculum, I really enjoyed reading Of Mice and Men, and The Lord of the Flies. Both of them were interesting and thought provoking, and I particularly enjoyed how Lord of The Flies mirrors the human nature (it follows a group of schoolboys who crash on an island and try to make their own civilisation). Those are good options if you’d like to expand your reading.

Then for classics I know most English lit curriculums read Jane Eyre so that may be a good one, but I’d say start with Little Women, that’s one of the few classics I could get into.

I’m definitely following this thread because my goal this year was to become ‘more knowledgeable’ and basically read more about everything. Also your review of the the first book is really motivating me to finish my current one .

Fourth Wing was to my tbr for quite some time too. So glad I picked it up, because its one of the best y/a books ive read🤣.
Ooo, I've heard lots of good thing about Powerless. It's a really popular book on Booktok! I've already read the AGGGTM series, and its one of my fav series of all time😍 I've never heard of Scythe, but from the way you describe it, im getting a dystopian vibe from it? And if it is, I will deffo be reading since dystopian is one of my favourite genres :smile:
Neither of the two books are actually on my curriculum, but I will be checking out Lord of the Flies since what you described is something that I would be interested in reading😊 About Of Mice and Men, idk how to feel about it since I'm pretty sure its by John Steinbeck? (correct me if im wrong). I tried reading Grapes of Wrath by him as well, and let's say it didnt go down that well. I tried Great Gatsby but just ended up watching the film instead😅 I think it's something about American Literature thats just a no for me lol.
I've actually read Little Women, and it is one of THE best classics I've picked up. I love the book and fell in love with the movie that I've watch it religiously every autumn and then read the book simultaneously. Yes, I love the March sisters that much🥰 Jane Eyre is actually on my TBR but I want to buy the penguin classic book instead of downloading on audible or kindle (my mum bought me a special edition hardback one but I find it horrible to read on hardbacks). Hopefully I'll buy it some time soon, but I'm such a procrastinator I doubt it😂

Thank you so much for supporting this! And yes, I totally understand because that's one of my goals too from reading more. It's not just something I enjoy, but something that's productive and I can learn a lot from. Glad to see other people kind of are in the same mindset! I hope you fulfill all your reading goals for this year, fighting! <3
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by heartz4moushi
Fourth Wing was to my tbr for quite some time too. So glad I picked it up, because its one of the best y/a books ive read🤣.
Ooo, I've heard lots of good thing about Powerless. It's a really popular book on Booktok! I've already read the AGGGTM series, and its one of my fav series of all time😍 I've never heard of Scythe, but from the way you describe it, im getting a dystopian vibe from it? And if it is, I will deffo be reading since dystopian is one of my favourite genres :smile:)
Neither of the two books are actually on my curriculum, but I will be checking out Lord of the Flies since what you described is something that I would be interested in reading😊 About Of Mice and Men, idk how to feel about it since I'm pretty sure its by John Steinbeck? (correct me if im wrong). I tried reading Grapes of Wrath by him as well, and let's say it didnt go down that well. I tried Great Gatsby but just ended up watching the film instead😅 I think it's something about American Literature thats just a no for me lol.
I've actually read Little Women, and it is one of THE best classics I've picked up. I love the book and fell in love with the movie that I've watch it religiously every autumn for the past 3 years and then read the book simultaneously. Yes, I love the March sisters that much🥰 Jane Eyre is actually on my TBR but I want to buy the penguin classic book instead of downloading on audible or kindle. Hopefully I'll buy it some time soon, but I'm such a procrastinator I doubt it😂

Thank you so much for supporting this! And yes, I totally understand because that's one of my goals too from reading more. It's not just something I enjoy, but something that's productive and I can learn a lot from. Glad to see other people kind of are in the same mindset! I hope you fulfill all your reading goals for this year, fighting! <3

AGGTM is amazing isn’t it?! There’s a BBC show if it being produced now. And Powerless was a fun read, although I felt like it was a mash of a bunch of ya books - think Red Queen x Hunger Games, so not much originally so to say but still a good book.

Yes Scythe is such an underrated dystopian! Be warned it’s not as similar to ‘dystopia’ when you think of Hunger Games, Maze Runner etc (although those are brilliant), but it is still great nonetheless. It is a trilogy but it’s one of those that you can read the first one and then you don’t have to pick up the other two. I find it to be one of the few ya books that focused on an interesting plot rather than putting a lot of emphasis on romance and popular tropes (although I won’t deny I love these in moderation 😂 ).

I haven’t read Grapes of Wrath, but OMAM is very short novella, just over a hundred pages I think? It’s set in the 1950s I think around the Great Dustbowl, and focuses on some ranchers who are in America looking for the American dream. It’s fast paced, I think only six chapters in total so if you want quite a short read it’s a good one to go for. It looks at a lot of issues in the context of the 1950s such as racism and sexism, and it supposedly represents the reality of the time in America. If you like history there’s a lot of historical context around the book as well.

Any other classics you’d recommend? I’d really like to get into them, but I got scared starting Pride and Prejudice when there were about 7 girls with really similar names and I kept getting confused 😂 Although I loved the film the book was confusing to me.
Original post by study23!
AGGTM is amazing isn’t it?! There’s a BBC show if it being produced now. And Powerless was a fun read, although I felt like it was a mash of a bunch of ya books - think Red Queen x Hunger Games, so not much originally so to say but still a good book.

Yes Scythe is such an underrated dystopian! Be warned it’s not as similar to ‘dystopia’ when you think of Hunger Games, Maze Runner etc (although those are brilliant), but it is still great nonetheless. It is a trilogy but it’s one of those that you can read the first one and then you don’t have to pick up the other two. I find it to be one of the few ya books that focused on an interesting plot rather than putting a lot of emphasis on romance and popular tropes (although I won’t deny I love these in moderation 😂 ).

I haven’t read Grapes of Wrath, but OMAM is very short novella, just over a hundred pages I think? It’s set in the 1950s I think around the Great Dustbowl, and focuses on some ranchers who are in America looking for the American dream. It’s fast paced, I think only six chapters in total so if you want quite a short read it’s a good one to go for. It looks at a lot of issues in the context of the 1950s such as racism and sexism, and it supposedly represents the reality of the time in America. If you like history there’s a lot of historical context around the book as well.

Any other classics you’d recommend? I’d really like to get into them, but I got scared starting Pride and Prejudice when there were about 7 girls with really similar names and I kept getting confused 😂 Although I loved the film the book was confusing to me.

AGGTM is one the best decisions of my life😪 The whole plot of that trilogy is brain tickling in the best way possible😆 Yess the show! emma myers as pippa was suchhhh a moveee. shes gonna eat that role. she's literally perfect except the hair length but like whos getting into the nitty gritty?
Ok yeah, when I though dystopian my mind when immediately to the classics like the hunger games and maze runner😂 it doesnt really bother me it not like those books, at the end of the day if i like it, i like it. no matter how reminiscent it is or isnt of a famous book that genre. so safe to say, scythe is already on my tbr list lmaoo.
A random question, but since you mentioned romance tropes, whats your favorite trope🤣?
I like history but not when you put it in the context of books... I just think its going to be very hard to convince me to pick up another steinbeck book😔.
The pride and prejudice movie was good rightt?? i mean keira knightley as elizabeth was just chefs kiss. and that infamous darcy hand flex scene + the scene in the rain? perfection.
I haven't read a LOT of classics and it's a field of lit im relatively new to. But from whatever experience I do have, my recommendations are a picture of dorian gray (i mean its on everyone 'classics for beginners list', but srsly this book is my number 1 fav classic. 100000/10 fr), frankenstein (its controversial, it has mixed reviews. some hated it, some loved it. im on the latter side), bell jar by sylvia plath (gets into the wishy washy about mental health but who doesnt love a good psychological book? i had no complaints, this book was a literal masterpiece. heavily recommend), 1984 (hands down one of the best dystopian classics, really famous too), the da vinci code (its such a niche, but i liked this book better than i thought i was going to be, but i will say its a lengthy book) and metamorphosis by franz kafka (any kafka is just ughhh, would also recommend his 'letter to his father' book, i mean its heartbreakingly good). oh and dostoyevsky is amazinggg too. just russian lit in general. i've only read the brothers karamazov from him and heard his other books are good too (i want to read crime and punishment by him soo bad) but boyyy are his stories long. so i wouldnt recommend if youre totally new to classics because the brothers karamazov was a lengthy piece of work and i didnt even understand half the time but loved it in the end anyways?? (that makes zero sense but idk how else to explain it🤣🤣🤣)
anyways those are just my recommendations. if you check them out, lmk what you think!🤗
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by heartz4moushi
Hey everyonee!!
So, this has absolutely got nothing to do with academics... well kinda lol, but I wanted to do a book diary thread.
I'm not really much of reader, well at least am not anymore, and want to start getting back into it. Not for any particular reasons, but I'm going to be doing english lit for a-levels and my english teacher told me it's good to read a variety of books to deepen understanding of literature.
I'm starting this today, no idea when i will end it. maybe no time soon ahaha.
My goal is to read one book a week starting from christmas day which is a monday!
I'll be leaving a review everytime a finish reading a book with my thoughts, opinions, ratings etc.
I used to be quite the die hard reader a couple of years💀 but then stopped but I really do feel like now is the time to rekindle my passion with books and reading.
Thank you so much to anyone who wants to keep up with this and if yall have any book suggestions leave them down below👇 (they can literally be anything, from classics to booktok fics, i dont mind😂).
Have a lovely day x

oooo i'm following ❤️
Original post by emm4nuella
oooo i'm following ❤️

omg hi!! i follow your gyg blog ahaha. avid fan here😁 hope you enjoy! <33
Original post by heartz4moushi
omg hi!! i follow your gyg blog ahaha. avid fan here😁 hope you enjoy! <33

thank you so much - i will definitely will enjoy :smile:!
Original post by heartz4moushi
AGGTM is one the best decisions of my life😪 The whole plot of that trilogy is brain tickling in the best way possible😆 Yess the show! emma myers as pippa was suchhhh a moveee. shes gonna eat that role. she's literally perfect except the hair length but like whos getting into the nitty gritty?
Ok yeah, when I though dystopian my mind when immediately to the classics like the hunger games and maze runner😂 it doesnt really bother me it not like those books, at the end of the day if i like it, i like it. no matter who reminiscent it is or isnt of a book that genre. so safe to say, scythe is already on my tbr list lmaoo.
A random question, but since you mentioned romance tropes, whats your favorite trope🤣?
I like hsitory but not when you put it in the context of books... I just think its going to be very hard to convince me to pick up another steinbeck book😔.
The pride and prejudice movie was good rightt?? i mean keira knightley as elizabeth was just chefs kiss. and that infamous darcy hand flex scene + the scene in the rain? perfection.
I haven't read a lot of classics and it's a field of lit im new to. But from whatever experience I do have, my recommendations are a picture of dorian gray (i mean its on everyone 'classics for beginners list, but srsly this book is my number 1 fav classics. 100000/10 fr), frankenstein (its controversial, it has mixed reviews. some hated it, some loved it. im on the latter side), bell jar by sylvia plath (gets into the qishy washy about mental health but who doesnt love a good psychological book? i had no complaints, this book was a literal masterpiece. heavily recommend), 1984 (hands down one of the best dystopian classics, really famous too), the da vinci code (its such a niche, but i liked this book better than i thought i was going to be, but i will say its a lengthy book) and metamorphosis by franz kafka (any kafka is just ughhh, would also recommend his 'letter to his father' books, i mean its hearbreakingly good. oh and dostoyevsky is amazingg too. just russian lit in general. i've only read the brothers karamazov from him and heard his other books are good too (i want to read crime and punishment by him) but boyyy, are his stories long. so i wouldnt recommend if youre totally new to classics because the brothers karamazov was a lengthy piece of work and i didnt even understand half the time but loved it in the end anyways?? (that makes zero sense but idk how else to explain it🤣🤣🤣)
anyways those are just my recommendations. if you check them out, lmk what you think!🤗

I always wanted to be an author (who knows, maybe side job when I'm a doctor? 😂) but I could never write a murder mystery - how authors like Holly Jackson do it I don't know.
I think I have the Picture of Dorian Grey, but have never heard much about it. I'm definitely going to look at it now. many. Enemies to lovers is good, not a big fan of love triangles because it's always so clear and then you're waiting for them to just pick, the 'who hurt you' trope is goood, I feel like it really shows how much they care. My favourite genre is fantasy ya so those are normally the tropes I've seen, but others I've seen that I don't mind are fake dating and friends to lovers. How about you? Any favourites?
Original post by study23!
I always wanted to be an author (who knows, maybe side job when I'm a doctor? 😂) but I could never write a murder mystery - how authors like Holly Jackson do it I don't know.
I think I have the Picture of Dorian Grey, but have never heard much about it. I'm definitely going to look at it now. many. Enemies to lovers is good, not a big fan of love triangles because it's always so clear and then you're waiting for them to just pick, the 'who hurt you' trope is goood, I feel like it really shows how much they care. My favourite genre is fantasy ya so those are normally the tropes I've seen, but others I've seen that I don't mind are fake dating and friends to lovers. How about you? Any favourites?

Yes PODG is a MUST MUST read, like I beg you to read it bc its just that good. Someone asks for a book recommendation, this is the first book i always say😅😅
Omg our tastes are so similar? I like all of those tropes too!! Fantasy is also my top3 book genres haha. Enemies to lovers 🔛🔝 (my absolute fav), fake dating is soooo hregekbifvrt too, academic rivals is😩, grumpy x sunshine is just🦋 and forced close proximity if just🔥🔥 i think you can understand what type of books i read from that😭😭😂😂 but one thing i will not tolerate as a trope is pregnancy and like you said love triangles bc🤢🤢🤢. theyre horrible.
Oh by the way have you by any chance read the shatter me series?
(edited 1 year ago)

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