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I am a college student in Ireland. I urgently need to move to UK however I would like to complete my 4th year. Would I be able to transfer or complete college in UK?
When you say college do you mean school (16-19) education? Or university undergraduate degree level study?

If you mean the former then potentially, although bear in mind you probably won't be able to do the Irish leaving cert in the UK and would need to swap to A-levels (or similar e.g. IB) as an academic course, or various vocational/technical options depending on your background/interests. The school may require you start in the first year of A-levels if your prior studies wouldn't adequately prepare you to move directly into the second (and final) year of A-level study before taking the exams. The same probably applies to vocational and technical qualifications (e.g. BTECs, T-Levels) but I'm not sure how they would work exactly.

For degree level study, assuming this is the fourth (and final?) year of a degree, it's extremely unusual to transfer into years above second year at degree level and even transferring into second year of a degree is not guaranteed. You'd need to contact unis directly to discuss whether they would consider an application for transfer in that case.
Reply 2
Original post by artful_lounger
When you say college do you mean school (16-19) education? Or university undergraduate degree level study?

If you mean the former then potentially, although bear in mind you probably won't be able to do the Irish leaving cert in the UK and would need to swap to A-levels (or similar e.g. IB) as an academic course, or various vocational/technical options depending on your background/interests. The school may require you start in the first year of A-levels if your prior studies wouldn't adequately prepare you to move directly into the second (and final) year of A-level study before taking the exams. The same probably applies to vocational and technical qualifications (e.g. BTECs, T-Levels) but I'm not sure how they would work exactly.

For degree level study, assuming this is the fourth (and final?) year of a degree, it's extremely unusual to transfer into years above second year at degree level and even transferring into second year of a degree is not guaranteed. You'd need to contact unis directly to discuss whether they would consider an application for transfer in that case.

I am a university student, thank you. I just need the credits for the second half of the college year to complete college, I am studying New Media so I would assume that would not be too difficult to coordinate. I am not sure when the universities in UK are open, do I have to wait for January?
Original post by Quickmove
I am a university student, thank you. I just need the credits for the second half of the college year to complete college, I am studying New Media so I would assume that would not be too difficult to coordinate. I am not sure when the universities in UK are open, do I have to wait for January?

Yes UK universities are pretty much closed from now until the new year. Bear in mind also the UCAS application deadline for university level study is 25th of January.

I think it's going to be very hard to arrange that unless you either a) apply for a top-up BA (Hons) course - a few places provide these, although I don't know if there are any in your subject area or b) go with the Open University and do a credit transfer and complete it there.

Generally unis don't want to admit a student to award them a degree they have only taught them a very small amount of I may very well need to be looking at reapplying for first year entry, or hoping to arrange a second year transfer somewhere. Either that or aiming to just finish the final term of your degree then do a masters or similar here.

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