The Student Room Group

Girls Vs. Boys (Part 46)

This thread is a continuation of: Girls Vs Boys (Part 45)

Welcome to Girls Vs Boys - the 46th edition! To see who has done the most posts this thread, check here

Current Score: Girls 12 - 5 Boys

Overall Score: Girls 521 - 218 Boys

How to play:
- Every game begins at 500
- If you are a boy you add 2 to the current number, if you are a girl you subtract 2
- Non-binary people, feel free to choose either side but try to stick to that side once chosen
- Girls win when the number reaches 0, Boys win when the number reaches 1000
- After 0 or 1000 is reached, the next post starts at 502/498 again!
- This is a team game, so no double posting/consecutive posting!

Further Rules

Previous thread scores
Leaderboard of Top Posters

Let's start! :smile: And remember to tag/quote me if a game has been won so I can update the scores :yep:
394 (carried over from previous thread)

Also check posts before posting to ensure that you're posting the correct number.

You can also check out a new game similar to this one, Monarchists vs Republicans :
(edited 6 months ago)

Scroll to see replies

Top Posters of Part 45
1. @agent_duck343 - 936 :king1:
2. @AJSM - 926 :king2:
3. @penguingirl18 - 918 :king3:
4. @Liliette - 863
5. @Z_GAMER - 859
6. @Talkative Toad - 633
7. @Bex_85 - 336
8. @King Thorn - 331
9. @Anonymous0305- 273
10. @probably_sane - 249
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Talkative Toad
This thread is a continuation of: Girls Vs Boys (Part 45)

Welcome to Girls Vs Boys - the 46th edition! To see who has done the most posts this thread, check here

Current Score: Girls 0 - 0 Boys

Overall Score: Girls 509 - 213 Boys

How to play:
- Every game begins at 500
- If you are a boy you add 2 to the current number, if you are a girl you subtract 2
- Non-binary people, feel free to choose either side but try to stick to that side once chosen
- Girls win when the number reaches 0, Boys win when the number reaches 1000
- After 0 or 1000 is reached, the next post starts at 502/498 again!
- This is a team game, so no double posting/consecutive posting!

Further Rules

Previous thread scores
Leaderboard of Top Posters

Let's start! :smile: And remember to tag/quote me if a game has been won so I can update the scores :yep:
394 (carried over from previous thread)

Also check posts before posting to ensure that you're posting the correct number.

You can also check out a new game similar to this one, Monarchists vs Republicans :

idk how to play but im a girl

(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by sophrocks07
idk how to play but im a girl


The rules are in the first post of this thread