I was undiagnosed with learning difficulties at school, so did not get access to the correct qualifications and/or was not entered for the higher papers. I never thought I would get on to a vet med degree, so decided to go down the vet nurse route, but the diploma route so that I did not waste my first degree on doing it, and so I could keep my options open. Although getting on a course has been difficult and I had to sit GCSE biology and resit the higher maths paper, I am so so glad I did not do a degree to get on to vet med. I simply could not afford it. A lot of my friends / colleagues had to go that route by doing vet bioscience or vet nursing, and they really struggled financially. I’m on the foundation year via HKVS, and although 6 years is longer than 5. It’s saved me doing a 3 year degree and a **** load of money. Definitely worth exploring the foundation route option!