The Student Room Group

Physics/Computer Science degree and choosing A levels

Hello there, I wanted some people's opinions about my A level choices and some degree options.

I am planning to apply to sixth forms for maths, physics, chemistry, and biology, with interest in medicine, physics (specifically astrophysics), and computer science. Right now, I am quite unsure of my career path, and those are equally as appealing to me.

My plan was that I could give myself more time until September to perhaps change biology to further maths, to tailor my A levels to be more suited for physics or computer science.

(I am also hoping to end up in Oxbridge or in a Russel group university)

And my main question is:
If I take the A levels listed above, how disadvantaged am I to be accepted by a university to take physics/computer science?
Hi, I’m a year 13 student and just finished my UCAS application. In my experience most unis will be happy with either of those subject combinations for physics. Some do prefer for you to have further maths though including Oxford, so if you are leaning towards physics I’d advise you take that. Very few unis will actually require further maths for an undergraduate physics degree. For computer science you should be fine with either of those combinations, but if you really want to stand out further maths might be better than biology, as it’d probably be considered more relevant to the degree.

If you do switch one of your A Level choices, make sure to do it before you start sixth form or within the first few weeks, so you aren’t overwhelmed with work to catch up on for your new subject!

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