Introduction : if possible, define the key term mentioned in the question and then add context
Body : explain what the question asks of you through the extension of the points made in the case study
Short One-Sentence Conclusion : just make a reasonable judgement or come to a conclusion (it is to note though that this is just to make your answer more holistic as the examiner's report states "Analyse questions do not require evaluation but the command words ‘assess’ and 'evaluate' do require a two-sided argument in order to achieve full marks. The evaluate question also requires a judgement/conclusion" and since most 6 markers are "analyse" questions it is not necessary to have to have a conclusion but just to be on the safe side, adding one sentence to close the explanation would be more holistic)
Introduction: definition with context
Body 1 : advantages (at least 3 and they are fully developed)
Body 2 : disadvantages (at least 3 and they are fully developed)
Short One-Sentence Conclusion : 9 markers usually use the command word "assess", which again does not require the need for you to write a conclusion (but I would suggest you put it in anyway)
Introduction: definition with context and you could also try to mention the extent of support
Body 1 : advantages (at least 3-4 fully developed points)
Body 2 : disadvantages (at least 3-4 fully developed points)
Conclusion : this needs to be thorough and fully-developed, as you should make your judgement and you could also suggest some policies to support your judgement, and mention things that would work in the short term and long term.
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