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Actuarial Science at Heriot Watt University!!!

hey everyone!
ok i have submitted my ucas application and have got a conditional offer from heriot watt university for Actuarial Science at the grades ABB (A in Maths).
how would you guys rate the university, the city, the WEATHER!!!, the course and teachers etc?
all help will be appreciated.
thnx :smile:

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I went to the Heriot Watt open day and seen a talk on this course, and it is very very highly regarded, one of the best in UK.
I was considering applying but I don't like the location too much. Its about 30 minutes by bus (usually busy) into Edinburgh, which I disliked because personally I want to be in the heart of a big city. However if you fancy being at a very campus based uni on the outskirts of the best city in UK then its a great university.
Another thing, the course itself is very good however sometimes the university itself is looked down upon compared to Uni of Edinburgh.
Reply 2
The university itself is quite well regarded in mathematics and physics I believe. Well known for the vocational nature of courses (as seen with this course in question).

Weather... it's terrible. I live near to the University and can tell you that it's cold here. 5 days of the year you'll get warm. Otherwise, wear a scarf. As far as the city's concerned, it's a nice place, but you're about half an hour from anything, which isn't bad at all unless you want to be in the city centre. Someone else may be best suited to answer the question on the specific course.
Reply 3
I went to the Heriot Watt open day and seen a talk on this course, and it is very very highly regarded, one of the best in UK.
I was considering applying but I don't like the location too much. Its about 30 minutes by bus (usually busy) into Edinburgh, which I disliked because personally I want to be in the heart of a big city. However if you fancy being at a very campus based uni on the outskirts of the best city in UK then its a great university.
Another thing, the course itself is very good however sometimes the university itself is looked down upon compared to Uni of Edinburgh.

thank you very much for your reply.
i currently reside in london, and it takes me no less than an hour to get into the actual city of london, so i think half an hour is a huge improvement! :smile:
also, i have heard from many that the course is excellent and also that the uni is sometimes looked down upon compared with uni of edinburgh.
do you know why that is? and also, would you recommend going to uni of edinburgh for a similar course?
It is a very good course, dont get me wrong. It has internship possibilities and very good employment rate and industry connections. If you know you definitely want to get into Actuary and do the professional training then I would recommend it. As for going to University of Edinburgh do to a similar course, you would probably have to do maths (or possibly economics), which does give you a wider career path but doesnt get you the very high salary/job satisfaction as quickly as studying Actaurial Science would (as you get exempt from alot of starting professional exams).
If your from London then I would imagine you might quite like Heriot Watt environment, its gorgeous and the campus/sports/union is top class but i just didnt like the quietness as I am from a very quiet place and want to live in the very heart of a city like uni of edinburgh.
I would say the main reason is it looked down upon by uni of edinburgh is because edinburgh uni is top 50 in the world, one of the best in UK, international reputation and amazing links - but this is with very traditional subject areas, not the likes of Actuarial Science. Also, alot of the people that go to uni of edinburgh are very posh and dont see the more modern universities like Herit Watt to be good. But from people I know that study there, i've heard nothing but good things.
Reply 5
Heriot Watt is a great university! I'm in my second year now, and although I'm not an acturial student, some of my friends are, and they seem to be enjoying it! All of the maths kids seem to have a tight bond with each other. And I haven't heard them make any complaints about the lecturers, except for physics?
I love the fact that is it a campus university, there are halls for first years which is so handy. Getting up 5 minutes before a lecture starts, fantasitic!
I live in town this year, and it can be a bit of a pain in the mornings but the buses come every ten minutes so its good.
The city of Edinburgh is amazing! especially at the moment with the winter wonderland! And you can usually find a student night any night of the week, cheap entry and cheap drinks! :P
And as for the weather, its in Scotland, what do you expect! Although i remember getting extremly sunburnt last year sitting out by the loch, and it is currently warmer, and less icey in edinburgh than it is in my hometown in the north of england.
I think the university in (wrongly) looked down upon by Edinburgh University, generally because they were there first and therefore more established, presticious. Most of my friends have never even heard of Heriot-Watt!
However, all this advice is extemely biast, as I love the place! So your best coming up and seeing the place for yourself before you make any big decisions.
Its easy enough to get to edinburgh from London, trains run pretty regular and take about 4/5 hours, but theres also plenty of cheap flights up as well. (It's about a tenner for a taxi from the airport to campus and takes 15 minutes max!)
PM me if you need any more advice :smile:
Reply 6
The location is putting me off slightly being that far away from the city but thinking rationally 30 mins is'nt that much at all. Takes me 10 mins on the bus to my town centre from my house and i don't see that as bad.
The only thing that i am sceptical is things to do/facilities on campus, i.e regular SU nights, sports facilities open long hrs etc as i donlt want to be going to thge city all the time for things to do.
Reply 7
It is a very good course, dont get me wrong. It has internship possibilities and very good employment rate and industry connections. If you know you definitely want to get into Actuary and do the professional training then I would recommend it. As for going to University of Edinburgh do to a similar course, you would probably have to do maths (or possibly economics), which does give you a wider career path but doesnt get you the very high salary/job satisfaction as quickly as studying Actaurial Science would (as you get exempt from alot of starting professional exams).
If your from London then I would imagine you might quite like Heriot Watt environment, its gorgeous and the campus/sports/union is top class but i just didnt like the quietness as I am from a very quiet place and want to live in the very heart of a city like uni of edinburgh.
I would say the main reason is it looked down upon by uni of edinburgh is because edinburgh uni is top 50 in the world, one of the best in UK, international reputation and amazing links - but this is with very traditional subject areas, not the likes of Actuarial Science. Also, alot of the people that go to uni of edinburgh are very posh and dont see the more modern universities like Herit Watt to be good. But from people I know that study there, i've heard nothing but good things.

sorry about quoting the whole text, not too sure how this thing works yet!
but thnx for your comments...
your reply coupled with evrything else ive heard about the uni is really making me eager to start at heriot watt ASAP lol!
Reply 8
Heriot Watt is a great university! I'm in my second year now, and although I'm not an acturial student, some of my friends are, and they seem to be enjoying it! All of the maths kids seem to have a tight bond with each other. And I haven't heard them make any complaints about the lecturers, except for physics?
I love the fact that is it a campus university, there are halls for first years which is so handy. Getting up 5 minutes before a lecture starts, fantasitic!
I live in town this year, and it can be a bit of a pain in the mornings but the buses come every ten minutes so its good.
The city of Edinburgh is amazing! especially at the moment with the winter wonderland! And you can usually find a student night any night of the week, cheap entry and cheap drinks! :P
And as for the weather, its in Scotland, what do you expect! Although i remember getting extremly sunburnt last year sitting out by the loch, and it is currently warmer, and less icey in edinburgh than it is in my hometown in the north of england.
I think the university in (wrongly) looked down upon by Edinburgh University, generally because they were there first and therefore more established, presticious. Most of my friends have never even heard of Heriot-Watt!
However, all this advice is extemely biast, as I love the place! So your best coming up and seeing the place for yourself before you make any big decisions.
Its easy enough to get to edinburgh from London, trains run pretty regular and take about 4/5 hours, but theres also plenty of cheap flights up as well. (It's about a tenner for a taxi from the airport to campus and takes 15 minutes max!)
PM me if you need any more advice :smile:

thnx for your comments...
i guess it makes sense now why uni of edinburgh looks down oin heriot watt!
physics isnt part of actuarial science so i have nothing to worry bwt :smile: thnx
Reply 9
The location is putting me off slightly being that far away from the city but thinking rationally 30 mins is'nt that much at all. Takes me 10 mins on the bus to my town centre from my house and i don't see that as bad.
The only thing that i am sceptical is things to do/facilities on campus, i.e regular SU nights, sports facilities open long hrs etc as i donlt want to be going to thge city all the time for things to do.

thnx for your reply.
i kno what u mean!
after having lived in london, maybe heriot watt wont be bad because I wud not mind living somewhere a lil more quiet than london!
ive heard the su is great there :smile:
Reply 10
ok everyone, i have also been offered a place at kent uni for the same course :smile:
now from what i can tell, heriot watt is the better choice, but i want ur opinions.
kent or heriot watt and why?
Reply 11
thnx for your comments...
i guess it makes sense now why uni of edinburgh looks down oin heriot watt!
physics isnt part of actuarial science so i have nothing to worry bwt :smile: thnx

In first year you would have to choose an elective, most students tend to go for economics or phyics. Thats why I mentioned it!
Reply 12

The only thing that i am sceptical is things to do/facilities on campus, i.e regular SU nights, sports facilities open long hrs etc as i donlt want to be going to thge city all the time for things to do.

The Student Union runs events most evenings, check out and if they don't suit you then you can just go in for a drink or socialise with your hall-mates. Getting into the city centre is that much of an issue, you soon het used to it! and the buses run all day and night!
There are some decent sporting facilities, open to 10pm at night, and i've heard rumours that there getting done up over the summer, but i can't say for certian.
Reply 13
The location is putting me off slightly being that far away from the city but thinking rationally 30 mins is'nt that much at all. Takes me 10 mins on the bus to my town centre from my house and i don't see that as bad.
The only thing that i am sceptical is things to do/facilities on campus, i.e regular SU nights, sports facilities open long hrs etc as i donlt want to be going to thge city all the time for things to do.

The buses are fairly regular and after staying in halls in first year almost everyone moves into flats near the centre of town(about 5-10 min walk) so there's not much to worry about there.

You'll find plenty to do on campus but it does get a bit repetitive towards the end of first year. The union has it's main night on a friday and it has a quiz on a monday night which is a good laugh. I think there is a poker tournament on a monday too, not sure though cos I've not been in 2 years cos I'm not on campus now. You'll find more info on the link that someone posted.

The sports centre is open until 10pm every night I think and it's not bad. Pretty cheap aswell, you can get a term time membership for about £55 which allows you to use the gym, play squash or whatever from September to May or something. There's loads of squash courts as well because it's the Scottish Centre for squash. I had never played before I started but picked it up pretty quickly. There are lots of sports clubs so you could join a couple of them if you wanted, they're on the say day every week.
There's also a few football pitches, although this is not included in the gym membership because they are part of the Hearts training ground rather than the sports centre but it's cheap enough.

In first year you would have to choose an elective, most students tend to go for economics or phyics. Thats why I mentioned it!

I think Economics is the standard for Acturial Maths, I don't think you have to do it but you should apparently.
Reply 14
I was at a dinner networking thing and there was a guy in the financial sector and a guy was asking about that course and basically said you will defo get a job if you have the degree from heriot watt. As for the uni my brother goes there and the campus is nice with swans lol. The halls were nice too.
Reply 15
I was at a dinner networking thing and there was a guy in the financial sector and a guy was asking about that course and basically said you will defo get a job if you have the degree from heriot watt. As for the uni my brother goes there and the campus is nice with swans lol. The halls were nice too.

thnx for that...very re-assuring :smile:
and the cherry on top is it has swans, what more do u need :P
Reply 16
thnx for that...very re-assuring :smile:
and the cherry on top is it has swans, what more do u need :P

Yeah the swans are amazing. At 2 oclock everyday they used to stand out side the halls kitchen incase someone was cooking and gave them food... Its a uni so they're smart swans that know when lunch is :P
Reply 17
Yeah the swans are amazing. At 2 oclock everyday they used to stand out side the halls kitchen incase someone was cooking and gave them food... Its a uni so they're smart swans that know when lunch is :P

omdz these swans are pure genius, maybe they shud do actuarial science instead of me :P
jokes aside, u think the uni has a good rep for the course huh?
Reply 18
omdz these swans are pure genius, maybe they shud do actuarial science instead of me :P
jokes aside, u think the uni has a good rep for the course huh?

Well from what the wee financial sector guy said, yes. I'd never heard of actuarial science before that night be he was really passionate that thats the best course.

I just read your original post. Weather- Its freezing. I'm from near glasgow and everytime i go through its really cold. I want to go to edinburgh uni so I'm gonna buy thermals. And if your from london.... you may want a wee bit of warning about that. :biggrin:
Reply 19
I've got a conditional offer frm der too n its a pretty gud university..specially for acturial da top 5 =] along side oxford,cambridge,LSE, n Kent so yea :smile:

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