The Student Room Group

Does Queen's University Belfast take longer to give offers for joint honours courses?

I applied to Queen's at the start of December and am yet to hear anything back, unlike some of my friends who applied later and heard back after 2 days. I have applied for English and Drama, so I'm curious if the joint honours courses take longer for a decision since there are more elements involved? Has anyone else heard back from a joint honours course?
Yes qub are always quite slow
Good luck
Reply 2
I have also applied for a joint honours course (Business and MFL) and have not heard anything yet. I applied early December too and the wait is killing me! Apparently not only are QUB typically slow with offers generally, but that they’re particularly slow with joint honours due to 2 departments giving input. A lot of people are saying that most decisions are made in March… fingers crossed. Best of luck to you!!
Reply 3
Original post by Belle H
I have also applied for a joint honours course (Business and MFL) and have not heard anything yet. I applied early December too and the wait is killing me! Apparently not only are QUB typically slow with offers generally, but that they’re particularly slow with joint honours due to 2 departments giving input. A lot of people are saying that most decisions are made in March… fingers crossed. Best of luck to you!!
Hi! Thank you so much for the help that makes sense, I just received my offer about 2 weeks ago. That being said Drama and English are a lot more closely linked than Business and MFL (I have a good few friends still waiting on a decision from the more popular courses like psychology). Best of luck!
Reply 4
Queen's University Belfast may take longer to process offers for joint honours courses due to the complexity of coordinating between multiple departments. However, this ensures thorough consideration and alignment of academic requirements, resulting in a comprehensive and tailored educational experience.
Reply 5
Original post by GracieH23
Hi! Thank you so much for the help that makes sense, I just received my offer about 2 weeks ago. That being said Drama and English are a lot more closely linked than Business and MFL (I have a good few friends still waiting on a decision from the more popular courses like psychology). Best of luck!

That’s great congratulations!! Thank you :biggrin:
Original post by KidsCastle
Queen's University Belfast may take longer to process offers for joint honours courses due to the complexity of coordinating between multiple departments. However, this ensures thorough consideration and alignment of academic requirements, resulting in a comprehensive and tailored educational experience.
Got it, thanks for the heads up! Sounds like they're working hard to make it a great experience. Hang in there, it'll be worth it!

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