The Student Room Group

The Official Queen's University Belfast Applicants for 2024 Entry Thread

The Official Queen's University Belfast 2024 Entry Thread

Hi :hi:

This is the thread for people who are thinking of applying to Queen's University Belfast for 2024!

Meet and chat to other people applying here.

Here are a few suggested opening questions, but ask whatever you want regarding Bedfordshire.

1) What A Levels are you doing (or other eligible qualifications)?
2) What course at Queen's University Belfast do you have your eyes on? And why?
3) What grades did you get/are you predicted to get at GCSE and Sixth Form?
4) Why Queen's University Belfast specifically?
5) Which admissions tests do you have to sit if any, and when will you start preparing for them?
6) Will you be attending any Open Days?
7) How are you feeling about starting University?
8) Other unis you're interested in?

You can find a directory linking to all of the other university applicant threads here.


General TSR rules (read before posting in this thread):
(1) Please don't ask for or post group chat links along with any social media contact details both in this thread and via PM. Such posts will simply be reported and removed as standard.
(2) Please don't ask for or post interview questions.
(3) Please don't offer to buy and sell items.
(edited 1 year ago)

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I have a place I queens for 2024 on deffered entry for PPE, I got AAA! If there's any groupchats etc let me know! Id be happy to answer questions etc too
hi is 41 points enough for belfast?
Reply 3
When can I apply for Law at Queens September 2024?
Reply 4
Original post by Jr141
When can I apply for Law at Queens September 2024?

I applied last Wednesday and just received my offer for Law with Politics, so anytime until January 25th(?) I believe. Applications would’ve opened sometime in September :smile:
Hiya everyone ! I’m doing classics, history and psychology for A-level and I’ve got my offer for Queens for Law! Has anyone else applied for law 2024 ?
Anyone else for biological sciences?
anyone for chemistry
Original post by Anonymous #1
anyone for chemistry

Not chemistry but I got an offer for medicinal chemistry
Original post by Anonymous #2
Not chemistry but I got an offer for medicinal chemistry

congrats!! i’m kind of worried because i’ve had most of my other offers back and i applied back in early october
Original post by Farkimra88

congrats!! i’m kind of worried because i’ve had most of my other offers back and i applied back in early october

I’ve also applied in early October so maybe they are sending in different batches
Anyone applied for social work?
Also try not to worry everyone they definitely do send out the offers in batches and are known to be incredibly slw
got my liberal arts and eng lit offer :biggrin: so hyped
Original post by Anonymous #1
anyone for chemistry

Offer for M Chem today. Applied on 12 Dec. Offer on 19th
anyone for pharmacy?
Hey have any other medicine applicants that have been offered interviews received the MMI further guidance info?

In the interview invitation i received via email the team said that further MMI guidance would be sent upon my confirmation of interview attendance, so i sent a confirmation to the specified email and they acknowledged my confirmation, however I am still awaiting this "advanced info" lol.

PLS let me know if any one else is in a similar situation! ty
Original post by Anonymous #5
anyone for pharmacy?

I also applied for pharmacy. Did my interview but haven’t heard back
Original post by MichelleOtto
I also applied for pharmacy. Did my interview but haven’t heard back

ohh and how long did it take to get an interview from the day you applied ?? i haven’t sent my application yet and i’m wondering if i’ve left it a bit late cos my reference wasn’t complete til today
Original post by cxeline22
ohh and how long did it take to get an interview from the day you applied ?? i haven’t sent my application yet and i’m wondering if i’ve left it a bit late cos my reference wasn’t complete til today

It was about 3 after submitting my application i got an interview offer. I don’t think so, applications don’t close until 31st January. You’ve still got a bit of time
Original post by MichelleOtto
It was about 3 after submitting my application i got an interview offer. I don’t think so, applications don’t close until 31st January. You’ve still got a bit of time

yeah true i hope to get an interview 😅 we’ll see
have you applied to any other unis for pharmacy?? or is queens your top choice

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