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A level choices

I'm currently deciding my A level choices. At uni I'd like to study medicine, so I want to Biology Chemistry and Maths. At my school we have to do a fourth subject, but I can't pick between French and German. I'm quite good at both, and got good predicted grades. I'm considering doing both french and german alongside BCM, because I feel like I would be able to manage doing 5 a levels, and also I know someone who's currently doing a similar combination with Spanish instead of German. They are currently finding it okay, and advised me to put down both french and german for now since I can always drop whichever I find harder if it gets too hard. However other people have been telling me it's not worth to do 5 a levels. I know they don't give you an advantage since unis only look at 3 of your grades, so if I do take all 5, it will be purely because I really enjoy those subjects. If anyone takes a similar combination or takes 5 a levels, please can you give me some advice?
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Bskhan
I'm currently deciding my A level choices. At uni I'd like to study medicine, so I want to Biology Chemistry and Maths. At my school we have to do a fourth subject, but I can't pick between French and German. I'm quite good at both, and got good predicted grades. I'm considering doing both french and german alongside BCM, because I feel like I would be able to manage doing 5 a levels, and also I know someone who's currently doing a similar combination with Spanish instead of German. They are currently finding it okay, and advised me to put down both french and german for now since I can always drop whichever I find harder if it gets too hard. However other people have been telling me it's not worth to do 5 a levels. I know they don't give you an advantage since unis only look at 3 of your grades, so if I do take all 5, it will be purely because I really enjoy those subjects. If anyone takes a similar combination or takes 5 a levels, please can you give me some advice?

Hi @Bskhan

I took German A Level as part of studying 4 A Levels. I found studying a language the most time consuming of my subjects as the revision isn't as straight forward as just memorizing the content, as you need to keep practicing to become more fluent. But, I found it manageable to study alongside three other subjects.

I can appreciate that you love both French and German, and it's great that you are wanting to choose them purely for the fact that you enjoy them! If you're really torn about choosing, you might find it useful to choose 5 and then end up letting go of one if you need to.

Just remember, as exam season approaches you will probably find yourself having more work and less time. And, it's important to not compromise your other subjects by choosing 5, when you can spread your time a bit more across 4. These are all just pros and cons to consider, and you can always change your mind if necessary.

Best of luck with your decision!
Emily 🙂
Student Rep at BCU

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