Get in contact with your university accommodation team and ask about staying where you are for another year, you may be put with people in second year and above doing the same thing or you may be with people in their first year. If you have a preference about this then that'd be a good thing to ask.
Go for private student accommodation where you will have a private room and ensuite and share a kitchen.
Rent with friends (honestly if you start bringing it up to people on your course you'll probably find people to share with, I'm sure a lot of people are in the same situation but too scared to ask)
Or you can rent by yourself
University owned accommodation - reach out to your university accommodation and ask if it's possible to return for your second year. There may be limited availability.
Private student houses - find friends to live with and speak to Estate Agents or decide to look for a spare room (e.g. on Facebook or sites like Spare Room and The Student Room)
Private student accommodation - e.g. Student Roost. Find your flatmates and book an en-suite flat together or book on your own and request to live with other second years. You could even opt for your own studio!
Last reply 1 month ago
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