The Student Room Group

Uni of Hull adult nursing

Hi! Just trying to make some friends before starting uni!! I’m planning on going to Hull this year to study adult nursing, if anyone else is pls let me know so we can have a familiar face on our first day. Or if anyone knows of any group chats for this years applicants for nursing??
Reply 1
Not sure of any group chats for Hull for this cohort, but all been well ill be studying adult nursing (I am actually from Hull) in September, just need to pass this certificate I'm currently on.

What made you chose Hull?
Original post by L.D.S
Not sure of any group chats for Hull for this cohort, but all been well ill be studying adult nursing (I am actually from Hull) in September, just need to pass this certificate I'm currently on.

What made you chose Hull?

yeah i’m waiting to get my certificate for my access to HE diploma to know if i’ve got in. I live quite close to hull, just over the bridge, and i want to commute as i live with my boyfriend and figured there’s no point staying in accom if i can just drive there and still carry on with my job when i’m home. I know a few other people that did nursing at Hull and said they really enjoyed it and the placements for them were really good
Hey 👋 I’m studying LD nursing. So will probably have some lectures together. I’m doing my HE course in hull, I live 10 mins away from hull uni! Have you been accepted for adult nursing? I got my acceptance yesterday!
Original post by poraus91
Hey 👋 I’m studying LD nursing. So will probably have some lectures together. I’m doing my HE course in hull, I live 10 mins away from hull uni! Have you been accepted for adult nursing? I got my acceptance yesterday!

aww yay congrats !!! I’m doing my access course online! I was meant to go for my interview last week but my car broke down on the way🤣absolutely typical. I’ve rescheduled my interview for next week so hopefully all goes well and i get accepted as it’s definitely my first choice !! how are you finding/how did you find your access course? did you find it hard or get all the results you needed?
Reply 5
Original post by miamcniven
yeah i’m waiting to get my certificate for my access to HE diploma to know if i’ve got in. I live quite close to hull, just over the bridge, and i want to commute as i live with my boyfriend and figured there’s no point staying in accom if i can just drive there and still carry on with my job when i’m home. I know a few other people that did nursing at Hull and said they really enjoyed it and the placements for them were really good

Ah Barton area? Yeah best idea that way lower the costs too, how are you finding your certificate?
Reply 6
Original post by poraus91
Hey 👋 I’m studying LD nursing. So will probably have some lectures together. I’m doing my HE course in hull, I live 10 mins away from hull uni! Have you been accepted for adult nursing? I got my acceptance yesterday!

How did you find your interview? I got a conditional offer the other week 😁
Original post by L.D.S
How did you find your interview? I got a conditional offer the other week 😁

My interview was absolutely great! The lecturers all seem very lovely. I’m a confident person, who will chat away with anyone so that’s always a bonus! I t was 4 weeks to the day to hear back interviews. But they did say that there were only 17-22 places available (depending on placements) now to concentrate on keeping my distinctions on my access course and grab university with both hands! 🙌
Reply 8
Original post by miamcniven
Hi! Just trying to make some friends before starting uni!! I’m planning on going to Hull this year to study adult nursing, if anyone else is pls let me know so we can have a familiar face on our first day. Or if anyone knows of any group chats for this years applicants for nursing??
Hey im studying childrens nursing!
Reply 9
Original post by poraus91

My interview was absolutely great! The lecturers all seem very lovely. I’m a confident person, who will chat away with anyone so that’s always a bonus! I t was 4 weeks to the day to hear back interviews. But they did say that there were only 17-22 places available (depending on placements) now to concentrate on keeping my distinctions on my access course and grab university with both hands! 🙌

I just got an offer yesterday!!!!
Reply 10
Original post by poraus91
Hey 👋 I’m studying LD nursing. So will probably have some lectures together. I’m doing my HE course in hull, I live 10 mins away from hull uni! Have you been accepted for adult nursing? I got my acceptance yesterday!

I just got my offer for hull yesterday!!!
Original post by miamcniven
Hi! Just trying to make some friends before starting uni!! I’m planning on going to Hull this year to study adult nursing, if anyone else is pls let me know so we can have a familiar face on our first day. Or if anyone knows of any group chats for this years applicants for nursing??

Hi I'm starting adult nursing at hull this September:smile:
Original post by floweracorn
Hi I'm starting adult nursing at hull this September:smile:

I'm also starting adult nursing September at hull
Original post by Kirstiej2901
I'm also starting adult nursing September at hull

Yay !!! Are you excited?
Original post by floweracorn
Hi I'm starting adult nursing at hull this September:smile:

me too ! do u know if there’s a group chat !?
Original post by miamcniven
Hi! Just trying to make some friends before starting uni!! I’m planning on going to Hull this year to study adult nursing, if anyone else is pls let me know so we can have a familiar face on our first day. Or if anyone knows of any group chats for this years applicants for nursing??

i’m starting adult nursing in september too ! i’m not sure about any groupchat tho:frown:
Reply 16
You all going to the welcome week?

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