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is gcse drama actually looked down upon in STEM oxbridge?

I'm picking my gcse options in a couple of days, and I'm doing triple sci, english, maths, spanish, comp, hopefully fm, history or geo or drama. btw ill probably go with all STEM a levels. i've read that drama is a 'soft' and is looked down upon by top unis. i'm aiming for all 9s, so will taking drama hinder my application, should I just take both history and geography? I really like drama but it's not an academic subject...
Your GCSE subjects are completely irrelevant. They don't care what subjects you took at GCSE, they only care what your overall grades are.
Reply 2
Original post by artful_lounger
Your GCSE subjects are completely irrelevant. They don't care what subjects you took at GCSE, they only care what your overall grades are.

are you sure? honestly, im not trying to be haughty or something, please don't think i am.
Reply 3
Original post by i_am_a_potato
are you sure? honestly, im not trying to be haughty or something, please don't think i am.

Honestly, they dont care about the subjects (other than core ones obviously) and more about the numbers you got from such subjects. They would defo love to see 9's across the bored no matter the extra subjects.
Original post by i_am_a_potato
I'm picking my gcse options in a couple of days, and I'm doing triple sci, english, maths, spanish, comp, hopefully fm, history or geo or drama. btw ill probably go with all STEM a levels. i've read that drama is a 'soft' and is looked down upon by top unis. i'm aiming for all 9s, so will taking drama hinder my application, should I just take both history and geography? I really like drama but it's not an academic subject...

Hiya, I did drama for GCSE and got an offer from Cambridge for Medicine last month so I really don't think it will negatively affect you in any way! They don't care about what GCSEs you do (outside of maths, english lang and any that are necessary for the subject you are applying to) I would say to choose the subjects you enjoy because that way you will be motivated to actually revise for them and so more likely to get a better grade in it too and with oxbridge specifically, they just look at the grades you get not the subject which it is in.
Original post by i_am_a_potato
are you sure? honestly, im not trying to be haughty or something, please don't think i am.

They don't. No university does.

The only subjects a university cares about specifically are ones that you're required to take anyway (maths, English language, sometimes science).

Your A-level subjects may matter, but your GCSEs don't. Pick whatever you think you'll get the best grade in/enjoy most.
Reply 6
They don't care. Just get a good grade in it.

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