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Doubts about forensic science at uni

Hello, I'm planning to studying forensic science at university but heard a lot of negative feedbacks. What could you advise me before probably making a wrong choice and a big waste of money 💀?
So... My doubts are, as an international, will I be employed easily? Is this field saturated? Are there any specific skills that I need to develop beforehand? What are the universities that y'all recommend?
Thank you for dedicating your time to answer 🥰(I know it's not an email but I like thanking in advance 😂).
(edited 11 months ago)
Reply 1
Original post by trisha.lsg
Hello, I'm planning to studying forensic science at university but heard a lot of negative feedbacks. What could you advise me before probably making a wrong choice and a big waste of money 💀?
So... My doubts are, as an international, will I be employed easily? Is this field saturated? Are there any specific skills that I need to develop beforehand? What are the universities that y'all recommend?
Thank you for dedicating your time to answer 🥰(I know it's not an email but I like thanking in advance 😂).

Waste of time and money. It's a way of selling degrees to girls who have watched too much CSI on TV or listened to too many true crime podcasts.

A degree in Forensic Science will in no way help you get a job in the field. Pretty much the only hands-on employers are the police and government labs. Police Scene of Crime officers are trained to national standards internally and progress a set career path. You do not need a degree.

For more scientific roles, normal science degrees are just better and give you options. Other than that, if you are looking to stay in academia and research forensic science, then a science degree is still a much better option, and you can choose to move to forensic science as a postgraduate.
Original post by trisha.lsg
Hello, I'm planning to studying forensic science at university but heard a lot of negative feedbacks. What could you advise me before probably making a wrong choice and a big waste of money 💀?
So... My doubts are, as an international, will I be employed easily? Is this field saturated? Are there any specific skills that I need to develop beforehand? What are the universities that y'all recommend?
Thank you for dedicating your time to answer 🥰(I know it's not an email but I like thanking in advance 😂).

My understanding is that the forensic sector in the UK is relatively small and not growing. Also you don't need a degree in forensic science specifically to work in it - you could just as well do a degree in e.g. biology, chemistry, etc. I'd recommend doing one of the latter "basic science" degrees as that leaves you the option of forensic science work while giving you potentially more options otherwise. Especially as an international student paying international fees...!
Original post by trisha.lsg
Hello, I'm planning to studying forensic science at university but heard a lot of negative feedbacks. What could you advise me before probably making a wrong choice and a big waste of money 💀?
So... My doubts are, as an international, will I be employed easily? Is this field saturated? Are there any specific skills that I need to develop beforehand? What are the universities that y'all recommend?
Thank you for dedicating your time to answer 🥰(I know it's not an email but I like thanking in advance 😂).

This is not my area but I will say that I have never seen a job that required a forensic science degree. The old public sector Forensic Science Service (before it privatised) did not accept forensic science degrees.

If you want to work in forensics then look for the job adverts and apply for the degrees that are listed. It's normally more about chemistry related degrees.
Reply 4
Okay! Challenging feedbacks. Are there anyone who studied FS. and struggled to find jobs or do y'all know anyone?
Thanks though.

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