The Student Room Group

Gap year

Hi in my gap year I plan to travel. Either interailing with a friend or do one of those house sits or work for accommodation kinda places for a bit. Just wondering has anyone done it before and how was it? I would love to solo travel but I’m a little scared too as I don’t rlly go out much yk. Also my parents are quite protective of me as they always hear these scary stories of woman who don’t have good experiences travelling. Any suggestions, practical things I can implement? Any advice would be great
Original post by futuredent.girly
Hi in my gap year I plan to travel. Either interailing with a friend or do one of those house sits or work for accommodation kinda places for a bit. Just wondering has anyone done it before and how was it? I would love to solo travel but I’m a little scared too as I don’t rlly go out much yk. Also my parents are quite protective of me as they always hear these scary stories of woman who don’t have good experiences travelling. Any suggestions, practical things I can implement? Any advice would be great

Travelling with people is safer (and in my experience, more fun!). I certainly sympathise with your parents, you do hear a few bad stories about solo travellers, but there are steps you can take against these risks and Europe is relatively safe anyway.

So, travel with people that you already know whenever possible. Have someone back home know your itinerary and report back to them every day so you have someone know your whereabouts. Don't take valuable stuff with you, mind pickpockets. You want to be pulling out your mobile phone as little as possible so it doesn't get stolen, so if you pay with your phone, start paying with your bank card, and keep some (local) cash with you. Also write down any phone numbers you might need (family, friends, etc) in case your phone gets nicked anyway. Never go down anywhere that looks dodgy and when possible, stay in places where there are people about. Be weary of strangers. Keep your wits about and use your guts!

Good luck on your travels :smile:

P.S.: also be weary of interrail fares. Back in the day it used to be a steal but these days it may or may not work out cheaper to buy train tickets separately in advance! The website will also be very useful for planning trips around Europe via trains:smile:
Original post by futuredent.girly
Hi in my gap year I plan to travel. Either interailing with a friend or do one of those house sits or work for accommodation kinda places for a bit. Just wondering has anyone done it before and how was it? I would love to solo travel but I’m a little scared too as I don’t rlly go out much yk. Also my parents are quite protective of me as they always hear these scary stories of woman who don’t have good experiences travelling. Any suggestions, practical things I can implement? Any advice would be great
Hi! This sounds exciting but definitely worth being careful too! I think doing anything from a reputable website, for example a company with reviews, lots of pictures of their experience and people online saying they've been and it was the real deal. This will also ease your parents mind, as they can see this is a more trustworthy thing for you to go off and do! See if any friends or older brothers or sisters have friends who have done any trustworthy camps or programs too!
Original post by Scotland Yard
Travelling with people is safer (and in my experience, more fun!). I certainly sympathise with your parents, you do hear a few bad stories about solo travellers, but there are steps you can take against these risks and Europe is relatively safe anyway.
So, travel with people that you already know whenever possible. Have someone back home know your itinerary and report back to them every day so you have someone know your whereabouts. Don't take valuable stuff with you, mind pickpockets. You want to be pulling out your mobile phone as little as possible so it doesn't get stolen, so if you pay with your phone, start paying with your bank card, and keep some (local) cash with you. Also write down any phone numbers you might need (family, friends, etc) in case your phone gets nicked anyway. Never go down anywhere that looks dodgy and when possible, stay in places where there are people about. Be weary of strangers. Keep your wits about and use your guts!
Good luck on your travels :smile:
P.S.: also be weary of interrail fares. Back in the day it used to be a steal but these days it may or may not work out cheaper to buy train tickets separately in advance! The website will also be very useful for planning trips around Europe via trains:smile:

Hi sorry for the late reply but thank you so much for the advice, I’ll defo have a think about it all. I might slowly branch out more and more to further places. For now I’m going to focus on my alevels and organise my gap yr after! Tysm

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