In isolation, no. But you need to be aware of two things.
First, there are people who will judge you for it, and you will be judged more for it because you are female. There is absolutely underlying misogyny to that sort of judgment, because not only are boys and men not at all judged by the same standards, in any event it is your choice to have sex with who you want. If you enjoy sex and want to have more or it with more people, that is fine. That doesn't stop the judgment from existing and being something that you will have to experience and deal with, but it is absolutely never something you should feel bad about, and if you know people who do want to make you feel bad about it, you shouldn't be spending your time with those people.
Second, as much as there is nothing inherently wrong with having sex with as many people as you want, and having sex through hookups, it is incredibly important that you keep yourself safe, both in the sense of having safe sex, and also physically and emotionally safe. As a 16 year old girl you have a lot of vulnerability in situations where you are hooking up with people, whether you know them or not, and it is so important that you take steps to ensure you're not taken advantage of or worse.
So no, don't ever feel bad for the number of people you have slept with. Even if further down the line you regret sleeping with that many people, these are your choices and are all part of developing into the woman that you will become. Even things you regret doing (and we all have them) are not bad from that perspective. But please do keep yourself safe.