The Student Room Group

Do modules matter after uni?

Hi, Just wondering, when you leave uni do the modules you did for final yr matter or should you choose ones that you’d find easier & more likely to get better grades with but slightly harder to apply to real life work.
Reply 1
Original post by Anonymous #1
Hi, Just wondering, when you leave uni do the modules you did for final yr matter or should you choose ones that you’d find easier & more likely to get better grades with but slightly harder to apply to real life work.
depends on what jobs you're applying for. if you got a good result on a module that's particularly relevant to the role, putting the module and result on your CV can strengthen your application, but it's by no means required or expected - and i'd say a better overall grade is generally more highly valued
Reply 2
That’s helpful , thank youu.
Reply 3
Do what you will excel in: box clever.
Original post by Anonymous #1
Hi, Just wondering, when you leave uni do the modules you did for final yr matter or should you choose ones that you’d find easier & more likely to get better grades with but slightly harder to apply to real life work.

Firstly, optional modules are of course beneficial to your overall score on the degree you leave University with however I would not advise you to 'just pick the easier modules'.

I chose my modules for two reasons, firstly my interest in the topic I was choosing, for context I studied Journalism so I chose modules such as sports journalism or journalism with public relations. However, I also picked optional modules based on other skills that I might learn while on the course, for example I picked podcasting in my second year to learn editing skills, but also because I knew I would be part of a group so I could learn to work as part of a team. All good transferrable skills and great points to talk about in future interviews with employers.

I hope this helps,
Matt ~ University of Salford Rep
Reply 5
Original post by Anonymous #1
Hi, Just wondering, when you leave uni do the modules you did for final yr matter or should you choose ones that you’d find easier & more likely to get better grades with but slightly harder to apply to real life work.
Hi there,

Firstly, I think that it's important to choose out of interest for the module and its content. Then, by default, you're most likely to study a module relevant to a field in which you're interested in and get more enjoyment/ motivation out of the course to help boost your grade.

I hope that makes sense - good luck choosing, this may be your last chance to explore a subject of interest in this way so make it count!

All the best,
Jaz - Cardiff student rep

It really depends. If there’s a certain module that will be helpful for a future job, as it’s closely linked or will let you gain extra skills, experience and knowledge; then choosing that one over another one would be beneficial to you. However, I’ve found that certain modules that I have done and have enjoyed the most, I have gotten better grades in, since I have been really interested in that area. I think choosing a module that you are most interested and think you will enjoy the most is probably the most important, as it will give you more motivation and enjoyment whilst studying. Are you able to speak to your lecturer about this? They maybe able to give you a better insight into what the modules are, which could help you when choosing.

Suzan - Student Ambassador
Original post by Anonymous #1
Hi, Just wondering, when you leave uni do the modules you did for final yr matter or should you choose ones that you’d find easier & more likely to get better grades with but slightly harder to apply to real life work.

I would strongly advise following the great advice that has already been listed as it something I would have suggested myself.

In addition, I would also factor in what would you gain from choosing that module e.g what transferable skills would you achieve; will you develop a new area of interest and learn something new about yourself; and how are you assessed as then you can play to your strengths.

This week we had a virtual options talk for my degree - so I am currently in the same situation as yourself choosing what modules I would like to study for my third and final year.

I would also recommend speaking to a lecturer about this or even a careers adviser as perhaps they can provide some insight

I hope this helps, and keep us updated
-Maddie, second year Health and well-being in society student at De Montfort University
(edited 11 months ago)
Original post by Anonymous #1
Hi, Just wondering, when you leave uni do the modules you did for final yr matter or should you choose ones that you’d find easier & more likely to get better grades with but slightly harder to apply to real life work.

When choosing my modules, I looked over the content and the assignment structure of the module. Ultimately, I chose modules that I was interested in, that would be beneficial for my future career and that had less assessments, to allow me to balance my workload better considering I’d also have a dissertation to complete.

I hope this helps! 🙂

Third Year Student
University of Huddersfield

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