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How to study for MAT/TMUA?

I am a student who has JUST started (literally today) my 12th grade in the CBSE (Indian) Curriculum, although most of the topics in the MAT are in fact from my syllabus in CBSE there are 2 issues:

1. My syllabus finished late October (Too late for MAT)
2. The type of questions are very different from the one I am used to.

What are some good resources for me to not only get used to the questions but also help me speedrun the syllabus. Yes I am already aware and attempting PYPs and Flashcards.
Thank you so much for any help :biggrin:
Reply 1
Original post by RadiateJam
I am a student who has JUST started (literally today) my 12th grade in the CBSE (Indian) Curriculum, although most of the topics in the MAT are in fact from my syllabus in CBSE there are 2 issues:

1. My syllabus finished late October (Too late for MAT)
2. The type of questions are very different from the one I am used to.

What are some good resources for me to not only get used to the questions but also help me speedrun the syllabus. Yes I am already aware and attempting PYPs and Flashcards.
Thank you so much for any help :biggrin:

Probably a good idea to know the content inside out but don’t waste time doing too many flashcards. Best way to prepare is by past papers. If you can’t get an answer, DO NOT LOOK AT THE MARK SCHEME. Instead work on the question until you get it (up to 4 hours I’d say then look at answers) - only then will you learn the skill set. Use STEP past papers if you want more practice (STEP 1 probably best for that level).
Reply 2
Original post by Jam.123
Original post by RadiateJam
I am a student who has JUST started (literally today) my 12th grade in the CBSE (Indian) Curriculum, although most of the topics in the MAT are in fact from my syllabus in CBSE there are 2 issues:

1. My syllabus finished late October (Too late for MAT)
2. The type of questions are very different from the one I am used to.

What are some good resources for me to not only get used to the questions but also help me speedrun the syllabus. Yes I am already aware and attempting PYPs and Flashcards.
Thank you so much for any help :biggrin:

Probably a good idea to know the content inside out but don’t waste time doing too many flashcards. Best way to prepare is by past papers. If you can’t get an answer, DO NOT LOOK AT THE MARK SCHEME. Instead work on the question until you get it (up to 4 hours I’d say then look at answers) - only then will you learn the skill set. Use STEP past papers if you want more practice (STEP 1 probably best for that level).

Honestly to learn the syllabus, use an A level maths pure 1&2 textbook
Original post by RadiateJam
I am a student who has JUST started (literally today) my 12th grade in the CBSE (Indian) Curriculum, although most of the topics in the MAT are in fact from my syllabus in CBSE there are 2 issues:

1. My syllabus finished late October (Too late for MAT)
2. The type of questions are very different from the one I am used to.

What are some good resources for me to not only get used to the questions but also help me speedrun the syllabus. Yes I am already aware and attempting PYPs and Flashcards.
Thank you so much for any help :biggrin:
For MAT, I'd recommend doing TMUA (and still do the actual TMUA itself because if you don't get into Oxford, many other top universities accept TMUA for Maths applicants as a sign of merit) because that will help you for the MCQs on the MAT. Set out to finish each MCQ in 3 minutes 45 seconds.

For the long answer ones in the MAT, I would recommend doing STEP I. You can attempt STEP II if you so wish but I think this is overkill as it is a lot harder than MAT.

Past papers is the best way to go about doing it.

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