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What jobs can you do with a physics degree?

I love physics but I don't know what I could do with a degree in it. I see people suggest teacher, engineer, or scientist, but I don't want to do any of those things. Is there anything else I can do with it or should I study something else?
astrophysics seems cool. u can work for nasa and do a ton of physics on an interesting topic like space. i assume theres some good job growth too in that sector going to mars and all that.

u work in a team and theres lot u can do like work on rockets, robots, or calcualte the forces or help with the electronics components, or be more of a scientist and do all the theory making stuff abt black holes and all rhat. depends on what part of physics u enjoy.
(edited 11 months ago)
Reply 2
you can go into careers unrelated to physics as well - IT, finance, consulting etc.

i personally know a couple of people who have done physics degrees. one works in the nuclear industry, one works in fintech. you can easily move outside of a 'science' career if you choose as during your degree you'll likely pick up skills in software, analysis, etc. that are very versatile.

have a look here as well, there's a wide range of things you can do within physics; building physics, safety, software engineering, acoustics, data science, the list goes on...
I’m trying to be a physics teacher
Reply 4
(edited 11 months ago)
Original post by via16
I love physics but I don't know what I could do with a degree in it. I see people suggest teacher, engineer, or scientist, but I don't want to do any of those things. Is there anything else I can do with it or should I study something else?

Hi! Physics grad here, I know a thing or two because I've seen a thing or two!
There's so much you can do, and potential careers I've seen include:
-Research and academia - PhD student/research assistant - this can lead onto research or industrial careers
-Software engineering - physics is highly computational!
-Academic patent law - this pays well and is something a little different...
-Clinical Scientist in the NHS (what I'm currently aiming for!)
-Financial sector - this can include data analysis, accountancy and actuarial work.
-Teaching - it's been listed many times, but the UK is crying out for maths and physics teachers right now
These are just a random few that I'm aware of, but there are many more...

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