I am in grade 10 in Canada and I want to have a career in Formula 1. I have done a ton of research on the sport, I love to watch the races but I mostly love the technical part of the sport the most. I have a bit of a bizarre and expensive plan. I want to go to the UK and study Automotive Engineering at The University of Brighton and take my placement year at the McLaren Technology Centre. I'm planning on taking Physical Science, Physics, Chemistry, all the maths my school offers, Graphic Design, Small Motors, and any other related classes that could help get me into this school. I did the research on this school and I know that I need to pass grade 12 English, Maths, Chemistry, and Physics. I also know how much money each year would cost, and the basic classes I would be taking.
I'm not sure if The University of Brighton is a good school for Automotive Engineering and I'm not sure if my plan is too unrealistic. I really want to work in Formula 1 and I will try and do almost anything to help my chances of getting into the sport.
If anyone has any suggestions of what high school classes I should be taking, or what else I can do to make this plan easier I would appreciate it!!