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About Graduate Membership at British Psychological Society

Human thoughts and questions are never ending lol. Here I go...
I have completed my 3years Batcherlors in Commerce with HR as specilazation (India). I started my course in the year 2007 and completed in 2015, Yes I took a lot of time, as I was going through financial crises and personal issues. meanwhile I started working in the year 2011 to provide myself and pay my tution fee. I worked till 2017 and took up fulltime MSc Counselling Psychology course (India) for two years as I want to change and heal myself. It was an amazing experience. I understood the importance of therapy and felt the calling to help people with various challenges hampering their daily life and limiting their growth. I started to work as a Counselling Psychologist in the year 2019 and been working as same since then in India.
I got offers from few colleges for MSc Psychology Conversion Course.
I was hoping to change my course to MSc Health Psychology or MSc Psychological Wellbeing in Clinical Practice or MSc Clinical Psychology. from Conversion Course to a practitioners course and I require to have an Graduate Membership at BPS.
My question being:
With my qualification can I apply for the Graduate membership at BPS?
what are my chances to get the membership?
if not is there a work around?
as I wanted to study a course which is accredited.
Looking forward to your response and suggestion.

Reply 1
in order to get graduate membership with the BPS you need to have either studied an accredited degree in the uk or apply to get your overseas degree accredited. gives specific info, if your master's in India meets all those criteria (including the standard of the qualification, the amount and breadth of psychology content, and having done an empirical project) then you may be able to get membership without studying a conversion master's but it isn't guaranteed as you have to apply for them to assess your existing qualification. If you can't get membership using that master's then you'd have to do the accredited conversion master's to get membership before proceeding with a master's course that would require you to have graduate membership. I hope that makes sense, but I'd recommend reading up on it on the BPS website as that is the best place for information.

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