Hello I am in S4 and I have just chosen my subjects at higher which are chemistry, biology, French, maths and English. Im not sure if higher English is worth it as people have told me it's very difficult. I want to study medicine and need AAAAA. If anyone has advice for higher English and any of my other subjects please enlighten me.
Ive decided to only do nat 5 physics right now but not do higher physics in S5 as it is not needed for medicine and I want maximise my chance of doing well. For reference I just got prelim results back for nat 5 modersntudies, French, physics, maths, English, chemistry and biology. I was lucky to get all A band 1 and 3 A band 2 in chemsitry, bio and physics.
also how early should I start revising for ucat? can you recommend the resources that you used so I can buy them now and save for later.
thank you!