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Higher English

Hello I am in S4 and I have just chosen my subjects at higher which are chemistry, biology, French, maths and English. Im not sure if higher English is worth it as people have told me it's very difficult. I want to study medicine and need AAAAA. If anyone has advice for higher English and any of my other subjects please enlighten me.

Ive decided to only do nat 5 physics right now but not do higher physics in S5 as it is not needed for medicine and I want maximise my chance of doing well. For reference I just got prelim results back for nat 5 modersntudies, French, physics, maths, English, chemistry and biology. I was lucky to get all A band 1 and 3 A band 2 in chemsitry, bio and physics.

also how early should I start revising for ucat? can you recommend the resources that you used so I can buy them now and save for later.

thank you!
scary how you basically are struggling with the same thing that I have😨 I hate English but I know I have fo keep it even though medicine only requires B at N5 anyways if anyone could reply to this thread/ my thread that would be so helpful
Reply 2
I got forced into doing Higher English in S5 and it honestly depends on a lot of things. Ofcourse Medicine doesn't require English so if you're not feeling too confident about it, I would say to choose a better subject. If you have a good teacher and interesting texts it can be a pretty easy subject. Out of all my Highers, English felt like the easiest jump from Nat5 as it's a very easy learning curve from Nat5 to Higher. The structure of the exam is the same (RUAE, set text, critical essay) so it was all really familiar. But for other subjects the jump from Nat5 to Higher was enormous and I felt really rushed and unprepared. For example, maths and biology was really difficult for me in Higher because of the amount of content I needed to know (which was huge comapred to nat5)

From what I've heard you only need to start revising for UCAT in the summer after your S5 exams and it should be about 6 weeks of revision before the exam.
Reply 3
Original post by Melissa200
Hello I am in S4 and I have just chosen my subjects at higher which are chemistry, biology, French, maths and English. Im not sure if higher English is worth it as people have told me it's very difficult. I want to study medicine and need AAAAA. If anyone has advice for higher English and any of my other subjects please enlighten me.
Ive decided to only do nat 5 physics right now but not do higher physics in S5 as it is not needed for medicine and I want maximise my chance of doing well. For reference I just got prelim results back for nat 5 modersntudies, French, physics, maths, English, chemistry and biology. I was lucky to get all A band 1 and 3 A band 2 in chemsitry, bio and physics.
also how early should I start revising for ucat? can you recommend the resources that you used so I can buy them now and save for later.
thank you!

Hi there! I'm currently moving into S5 too, so I've never done higher English but will be taking it next year as it is one of my stronger subjects, for studying English my biggest tip would be when studying and trying to memorise essays, break each paragraph into sections, the sections will depend on what the actual essay is based off of, but for me, mine are about a play and i have written out my 3 essays and taken one at a time, splitting each paragraph into parts by highlighting them, for example, blue for the topic sentence, pink for the quote, yellow for the analysis, green for the concluding sentence, then repeated for the other paragraphs, then reading them over in those parts because i find when memorising essays, taking it section by section is definitely easier. I don't know how helpful this will be but ah well! I'm sure you'll do great in S5!

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