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Capitalism Vs Socialism in AIC

Hello! I am currently studying ‘An Inspector Calls’ for my upcoming GCSEs. I have an English tutor outside of school as well as my teacher inside, however both are saying different things to me. My school is adamant about not mentioning Capitalism and Socialism when analysing and are saying that I will get marked down for it. Whereas my tutor says the opposite as it adds to context and because Priestley is trying to say something about society and you can’t not mention capitalism and socialism because they were so heavily integrated into the 1945 and 1912 society.

Please help, I am not sure who to trust. Will I get marked down if I don’t not mention it?
Reply 1
Original post by Is4b3l
Hello! I am currently studying ‘An Inspector Calls’ for my upcoming GCSEs. I have an English tutor outside of school as well as my teacher inside, however both are saying different things to me. My school is adamant about not mentioning Capitalism and Socialism when analysing and are saying that I will get marked down for it. Whereas my tutor says the opposite as it adds to context and because Priestley is trying to say something about society and you can’t not mention capitalism and socialism because they were so heavily integrated into the 1945 and 1912 society.
Please help, I am not sure who to trust. Will I get marked down if I don’t not mention it?

I don't know anything about what your saying, but I think you should tell your tutor what your teacher said to hear their response and tell your teacher what your tutor said, maybe you will find your answer then
Reply 2
Your tutor is right
you need to refer to capitalism/socialism in the play as it's a huge part of the play and it adds to context, and helps gains higher marks
100% you need to talk about capitalism and socialism- after all it is Priestley's main message! You get graded down if you DON'T talk about them. You get a max of maybe 7 if you don't mention them
Reply 5
Capitalism vs Socialism is one of the (if not THE) main themes of the play. You should absolutely mention it. Especially if asked something about what Mr/Mrs Birling represent (capitalism) or what the Inspector represents (he is a mouthpiece for Priestley's socialist ideas).
Reply 6
I'm a tutor too. Your tutor and the posters here are correct. Socialism/ Capitalism is a key theme in An Inspector Calls and is assessed as part of AO3 (context). AO3 is assessed in every question, by every English exam board, except Edexcel's Paper 1 (Shakespeare & Post-14 Literature), questions 1a to 6a (Shakespeare questions). So as not to confuse anyone, questions 1b to 6b (also Shakespeare) in the same paper, do assess AO3. Bit worrying that your teacher has told you not to write about this important aspect of the text. If you can, let them know that the specification says something else so they can hopefully address this in class before exam season.

Hope this helps and good luck!
(edited 10 months ago)
Your tutor is right please use the ideas of capitalism and socialism! Your teacher literally wants you to fail if they are telling you that because Priestley’s whole message is to advocate for socialism and drive people away from the individualistic right wing (capitalism)
omg so i was revising and remembered this thread. i was watching a video by Mr Salles on youtube and he said most of the country uses the socialism/capitalism idea for context and priestley's purpose. So, i think your teacher wants you to include context and purposes that majority of the people don't use as a way to stand out, and encourage you to explore higher level ideas and therefore get higher marks. someone pls correct me if im wrong.
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 9
Original post by Is4b3l
Hello! I am currently studying ‘An Inspector Calls’ for my upcoming GCSEs. I have an English tutor outside of school as well as my teacher inside, however both are saying different things to me. My school is adamant about not mentioning Capitalism and Socialism when analysing and are saying that I will get marked down for it. Whereas my tutor says the opposite as it adds to context and because Priestley is trying to say something about society and you can’t not mention capitalism and socialism because they were so heavily integrated into the 1945 and 1912 society.
Please help, I am not sure who to trust. Will I get marked down if I don’t not mention it?

lol found u izzy
Reply 10
Original post by janaaiv
lol found u izzy

Bro what u doing here

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