The Student Room Group

Shall I meet this guy


So I met this guy about 3.5 months ago and we’ve been talking pretty much everyday. And I want to meet him now because I am closer that I’ve come home for a week for Easter (fyi if I were at uni it’ll take about 4+ hours to travel and it will be pretty expensive for me to see him or for him to see me). He is pretty busy but seems to make an effort to talk to me and has said multiple times he wants to take me on a date and cook for me. I have mentioned that I can meet when I come back home (but this was when we first started talking).

I want to give him a hint that I can meet him now before I go back to uni, but idk how. I can’t lie, I do not have the confidence to ask straight up if you want to meet although I do understand that would be better (lol cos I’ve never done it and I’ve never felt comfortable to meet up with a guy, idk why, but I do with him). So if anyone has any tips on how to say “let’s meet up” without saying it, please let me know.

FYI, I know this is stupid and childish but I’ve never really done this before 😂
well i would just ask him because you clearly have the confidence for having the desire to meet up with him, so asking him should be a peice of cake. You could ask him what hes doing for easter and when he asks you, you can slide it in the convo and see if he offers, if he doesnt- then you should.
Reply 2
Ask if hes around at all over easter
Stay safe and meet with him in a public place to start with; don't go to his for him to cook for you.

Rather than be vague and say 'do you want to meet sometime?' suggest a time and place, ie 'do you want to go for lunch at X on Saturday,i hear it's good food there?'
Reply 4
If you don’t want to ask, just mention that you are around and looking forward to having some free time. If he doesn’t then suggest something then it’s probably not on the cards. Agree with being cautious about the cooking option, this is not a typical 1st date suggestion

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