I'm not undergrad yet, but going to that position this year in September. I'm going into medicine (so happy), and honestly I'm really worried. As a future doctor, that will, in 5 years be graduating and doing Foundation Years in the UK, the pay is not close to be comfortable with, and I doubt it will be enough to raise a family. (worse as I am international student). So I'll have to rely on my parents even more, which is not good, as they are also being strained by today's rising costs (They live in Canada, and cost is rising there too). Sometimes I wonder If I'll ever be financially free and comfortable or if I'll always be requiring funds from my parents. Sometimes I wonder about the worst case scenario where my prents cant fund med school (which would destroy both me and my parents mentally).
But, as a positive and optimistic individual, I really do think it will get somewhat better, it's a matter of when though