The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
i wanna be winny the pooh :biggrin:
Reply 2
storm from the x-men
or god from the simpsons
Reply 3
Peter Pan... :biggrin:
Reply 4
storm from the x-men
or god from the simpsons

God from the simpsons? I think I missed that episode :confused:
Reply 5
the fairy godmother
Reply 6
id love to be bugs bunny or wacko from the animaniacs :biggrin:

and if i felt like cross dressing i would want to be malificent :eek: lol
Reply 7
Dr Zoidburg from Futurama :smile:
When you say cartoon, what exactly are we talking here?
I mean is it just stuff like disney and WB drawn stuff, or do you mean animated stuff more generally (like anime and stuff). What about 'cartoons' in print, rather than on TV, or things that are CGI, rather than drawn?
Reply 9
i would have to the dad out of the proud family, because he is soooooooooooo me! just like 30yrs older
Reply 10
When you say cartoon, what exactly are we talking here?
I mean is it just stuff like disney and WB drawn stuff, or do you mean animated stuff more generally (like anime and stuff). What about 'cartoons' in print, rather than on TV, or things that are CGI, rather than drawn?

Any type of animated character, be it printed, anime, disneyfied, whatever.. The cartoon world is your oyster :cool:
Reply 11
bart simpson
Any type of animated character, be it printed, anime, disneyfied, whatever.. The cartoon world is your oyster :cool:

Okay... I don't know why really, but i'd probably go for Quatre Raberba Winner from Gundam Wing...
lol probably Daria - she's so sarcastic i love it.
Reply 14
lol probably Daria - she's so sarcastic i love it.

Haha I loved that show. Does it still come on? What channel?
hmmm, that is a really tough choice, I mean you have such great people as Kakashi, Itachi, Luffy D monkey and ichigo (from Bleach).
Optimus Prime
Reply 17
Cathy from the comic strip Cathy
Reply 18
the comic book guy from the simpsons - "i am the collector"
Haha I loved that show. Does it still come on? What channel?

i think it is still on MTV or MTV2 sometimes