The Student Room Group

Most boring place in the UK?

I think I live in the most boring place in the UK. A small town in a county called Northamptonshire. You've probably never even heard of it, I don't blame you, there's nothing here. Just a forgotten Midlands county.

The local geography consists of fields and a river. The largest city (if you can call it a city) is Northampton, which has a few shops and a crap university. There is nothing of any significant interest, no tourist attractions, no celebrities, and the only time we're ever mentioned on TV is during the local news which consists of stories about farmer's markets and old people.

What is the most boring place you know of in the UK? Doesn't have to be where you live, just somewhere you've visited or know of. I challenge someone to find a more boring place than where I live :biggrin:

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Bognor Regis
Tring, Hertfordshire.
Reply 3
Byfield, Northamptonshire. Very beautiful though.
Reply 4
St Albans, Hertfordshire. Ridiculously expensive for drinks, no cinema, unhygenic (recognised by the council) swimming pool, nothing to do!
Reply 5
Original post by meenu89
Byfield, Northamptonshire. Very beautiful though.

Byfield? Never heard of it... If it's anything like my town though, small and not really known of, I can relate with you :tongue:
Reply 6
Original post by lukas1051
Byfield? Never heard of it... If it's anything like my town though, small and not really known of, I can relate with you :tongue:

Between Daventry and Banbury on the A361.
I'd imagine where the area where the man in the middle of the road (m62) is pretty boring place, "just going to the corner shop for some milk and bread, love, be back in an hour or so" :p:
I had the displeasure of living in Daventry for 5 months for work.

I second Byfield to be honest, but at least there's some nice countryside...

Hampshire is where it's at yo (Y)
The University of Warwick
Reply 10
Original post by JaneGenie
St Albans, Hertfordshire. Ridiculously expensive for drinks, no cinema, unhygenic (recognised by the council) swimming pool, nothing to do!

good music scene there thouggh if you like the likes of enter shikari and your demise

Reply 11
If anyone says London... :angry:

there's bound to be a troll somewhere that will say that :afraid:
Reply 12
Reply 13
Original post by sugar3str
good music scene there thouggh if you like the likes of enter shikari and your demise


I second this, I've been to St. Albans before, but the only thing I can now relate with the name is Enter Shikari :rolleyes:
Original post by sugar3str
good music scene there thouggh if you like the likes of enter shikari and your demise


Friendly Fires though.
Original post by Aspiring Medic 201
The University of Warwick

Really i thought it was a good place to live
Reply 16
Original post by SpiritedAway
I'd imagine where the area where the man in the middle of the road (m62) is pretty boring place, "just going to the corner shop for some milk and bread, love, be back in an hour or so" :p:

This. Why? It must be noisy too. And only the sheep to keep you company.
Original post by Folie
This. Why? It must be noisy too. And only the sheep to keep you company.

Reply 18
Swindon. That town could be bombed out of existence and no-one would notice.
Dunoon in Scotland.