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Can you go to university with btec level 2?

I've got my child care level 2 BTEC and health and social care level 2 BTEC would I be able to go to university with just level 2 BTEC as I've got UCASS points from the courses.
Reply 1
No sorry, you need to do the level 3 to go uni

Posted from TSR Mobile
I agree, you need level 3 to go to uni.
How about a foundation course ?
My son is doing BTEC levle 2 and I just want to know can he study a one year foundation and inter uni next year ? He has no GCSEs please help me many regards
Very very unlikely. I just got offered a foundation course of engineering at Essex Uni and I have level 3 BTEC's and also 3 years work experience in engineering. Generally you will require level 3 grades at least and/or some decent, related work experience.

I think he could probably study a level 3 BTEC part time in 2yrs. In the mean time he could have a job and save some funds in a piggy bank for when he is at uni.

Posted from TSR Mobile
I tried to apply for university with a BTEC L2 in H&SC a few years back, but got rejected immediately and was advised by one of the admissions to do a BTEC Level 3 National Diploma course.

Posted from TSR Mobile
Reply 7
Original post by ozzy4500
I've got my child care level 2 BTEC and health and social care level 2 BTEC would I be able to go to university with just level 2 BTEC as I've got UCASS points from the courses.

The unis rarely make an exception for level 2 btecs, the exception being if you have experience in childcare or care in general, and that's usually over a years worth. You could either do a year on a level 3 course and then leave and apply to go onto a foundation course (such as early years) (but try and get the best grades possible if you do go down this route as every grade counts towards uni) or you could do the Acess course if you are over 19, it's a year, but will get you the a levels you need without having to commit to a level 3 (one to two years depending) course if that makes sense? either way, good luck :smile:
Reply 8
No you can get into uni with a level 2 but after that you can go to a year apprenticeship which is equivalent to a level 3 so you can finish at level 2 and do a years of work which helps you get into uni.
Reply 9
can you go to university with level 3 if you have done first year only.
Original post by umar33
can you go to university with level 3 if you have done first year only.


U need the full BTEC which is 2 years.
Original post by umar33
can you go to university with level 3 if you have done first year only.

It depends what you have done along side. A girl in my class spent this year doing a 90 credit diploma in health and social care along with a 90 credit diploma in IT. This is equivalent of 3 a levels so she is starting uni this September.
hi, I need help!! basically I didn't pass my maths and English gcses and now I have to do a Level 2 option with maths and English retake but I am struggling which level 2 option to choose from these two; level 2 childcare or level 2 applied science. I need my scince but if I retake my scince it will cost me a lot so I want to know if the level 2 applied science gets me into a high dgeree and do they accept btecs in university or will I have a really bad job and also I wanted to know that with level 2 childcare what A levels can I do like can I still do btec scicnce once I have passed that year? please help thanks x
Reply 13
Original post by 1secondsofvamps
It depends what you have done along side. A girl in my class spent this year doing a 90 credit diploma in health and social care along with a 90 credit diploma in IT. This is equivalent of 3 a levels so she is starting uni this September.

Did she get accepted 100% ?? I'm thinking also to do this course
Original post by Zoheb22
Did she get accepted 100% ?? I'm thinking also to do this course

Yeah, she's now doing something like international law at Westminster
Original post by Emma:-)
I agree, you need level 3 to go to uni.

With a leve2 BTEC can I do a foundation course in university
Original post by Ayman21
With a leve2 BTEC can I do a foundation course in university

This thread is 10 years old - start a new one. It's unlikely though, almost all unis will need you to have some kind of level 3.

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