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Racism in Manchester

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Reply 20
hey im indian and im applying to manchester too! which course are you applying for?
Being the only Muslim and asian person in the flat its getting worse by the day. All of my flatmates are white atheist and mainly middle classed. They will make insulting remarks about other cultures when they've been on a night out or had a drink. Not all are intentionally racist but some are. They all know better as they're all highly educated individuals. But in truth they don't give a dam, as they know they'll get away with it as majority opinion rules. What's worse is those who aren't will not speak up against such racists and bigots. I believe its because they're cowards. I hate it when they come to me individually to try to apologise.

The accommodation office should but people of same faith with atleast one other person of the same faith. Specially if your Muslim. Not being able to eat the same food as rest of the household is bad, you can cut the tension with knife at dinner times. Eating after everyone else is eaten is sad! I was told by the accommodation office that they don't but people of the same course together because they want people to mix with other people. That's aload of bull s**t, most of my flatmates are on the same course - history & politics.

Ethnic minorities should be placed with atleast one other ethnic minority, so that no one is singled out for racial abuse by racists and bigots!!!

I am Indian and I think it depends on what you perceive as racist or prejudiced. Just look at the uproar after Jack Straw's innocuous comments. I am sorry if you're flatmates are racist, but I also get the impression that you can't tolerate living in a flat with just non-Muslims, as the part highlighted in bold suggests what could be part of your problem with them. This may seem that I am scrutinising your post, but to put that part in is quite unecessary. If you really have a problem with your flatmates, make a complaint, or request to be moved to another flat.
Reply 22
manchester isn't racist, only as racist as any other place in britain. you won't have a problem. especially if you're talking about the city centre and ouskirts.. its a great place
I met a guy from the south on Saturday and he was really rude and offensive towards me because I was welsh. Started off as a joke but got nastier as he got drunk. Then someone pointed out that was a form of racism.
Reply 24
Being the only Muslim and asian person in the flat its getting worse by the day. All of my flatmates are white atheist and mainly middle classed. They will make insulting remarks about other cultures when they've been on a night out or had a drink. Not all are intentionally racist but some are. They all know better as they're all highly educated individuals. But in truth they don't give a dam, as they know they'll get away with it as majority opinion rules. What's worse is those who aren't will not speak up against such racists and bigots. I believe its because they're cowards. I hate it when they come to me individually to try to apologise.

The accommodation office should but people of same faith with atleast one other person of the same faith. Specially if your Muslim. Not being able to eat the same food as rest of the household is bad, you can cut the tension with knife at dinner times. Eating after everyone else is eaten is sad! I was told by the accommodation office that they don't but people of the same course together because they want people to mix with other people. That's aload of bull s**t, most of my flatmates are on the same course - history & politics.

Ethnic minorities should be placed with atleast one other ethnic minority, so that no one is singled out for racial abuse by racists and bigots!!!

You sound home sick, lonely and a little angry. You are young, and believe me I have been in your shoes. I know what you are feeling. However, we live in a world where we should NEVER expect special treatment just for being different. The key to peace of mind is to live and let live and to be tolerent of all differences in people. We are one race... human....and of one and play together, and do no harm.
Reply 25
I think it's a very accepting city - although having said that I've been followed and had my phone nicked for being Christian ... but there are always some idiots in every city.
Reply 26
Not racist at all. non british people are more than the british
Reply 27
It's weird, I'd say the city is quite a tolerant place on the whole, but if you speak to a lot of local people politics isn't their strong point, shall we say. Racism works both ways of course. The amount of racist abuse I got directed at me during Eid last week by pissed up Muslim blokes was amusing! Didn't mind, found it actually quite funny, but in an area with so many different nationalities and religions as well as a fair few people who aren't, shall we say, fabulously well-off, there's always going to be a bit of tension.
Reply 28
lol..... sorry but reading the comments some people have written are like... are you from manchester or from some other world...

its my first year.. im an asain(muslim)... i havent had the stick from any1!! i never do...
my flate mates are white, best bunch of peeps.... i dont drink, i dont smoke nor drugs.... but during the month of fasting me 1 of the guys and the 2 girls ate together..... as well as my friends we just had a feast!!! a big
im soo lucky to have flate mates this good. The eat pork, i dont.....
they know that thev got responsibilities becasue in the end there are 4 people living in this flat and we all have to do our bit.....

only once the guy got really drunk an i had to help him cuz he couldnt walk... his g/f called me for help and i was there...
none of us are doing the same course....
i think its best to have different people around you because you then get to know how other people are.... if you want jsut muslims friends in your flat... you can but my advice is that get to know other people.....its more better cuz then youll be in your bubble....

racism??? ive heard that some taxi people are dodgy... duno if its true though... oh yea ive experienced a really weird taxi guy who didnt know any english and since he looked ( he started to talk to me in his language which i dont know (i speak smethin else)...... he kept on talkin to me and i just nodded ma head....

in the end he just never charged me!!!!


manchester is a wonderful city...... just watch out for the cars and buses when your crossin AND THE MOTORCYCLIST (nearly ran me ova!)

its just a nice place to live in....
1 more thing__________
when you see a bunch of guys in hoods who tend to wear 1 glove.... duno why the 1 glove?? do not look at them!! they are dangerous, they tend to ride bicycles.....quick getaway vecchicle which is very quite and leaves no trail......

im serious u c em..... gt in somewhere!! bt dnt take ur phone out..... its a magnet to them....hehe....

damn i write a lot!!
I met a guy from the south on Saturday and he was really rude and offensive towards me because I was welsh. Started off as a joke but got nastier as he got drunk. Then someone pointed out that was a form of racism.

Didn't the person from the south know that they themselves are from a substandard race - they have a lot of french blood in them.

The Welsh are without a doubt superior to every other race in the world.
oh yea ive experienced a really weird taxi guy who didnt know any english and since he looked ( he started to talk to me in his language which i dont know (i speak smethin else)

It's obvious you speak that dirty language called "txt spk"
Reply 31
Man With No Name
It's obvious you speak that dirty language called "txt spk"

lots of laughter (lol).....

my sincere apologies....

happy now???
Reply 32
Man With No Name
Didn't the person from the south know that they themselves are from a substandard race - they have a lot of french blood in them.

The Welsh are without a doubt superior to every other race in the world.

Welsh are second to us Irish mate, sorry. :redface:
Man With No Name
Didn't the person from the south know that they themselves are from a substandard race - they have a lot of french blood in them.

The Welsh are without a doubt superior to every other race in the world.

Wheeeeeeee! :p:
Err I am not sure where they got that from at all. Manchester is a multi culterial city, many people of all sorts of races happily live on the same streets without any trouble at all.

You're Indian so what? Nobody will give a toss, its only an issue if you make it into one.

The only place thats really had any trouble is Oldham and thats not in Manchester as such.

Absolutely agree with you. Even the "white ghetto" areas like Salford and Wythenshawe are seeing a steady influx of ethnic minorities and the vast majority of people live life harmoniously irrespective of their ethnicity.
Reply 35
Hi, I lived in Manchester for 20 years and not once did I encounter racism of any significance. I am white British and atheist. My wife was Asian British and atheist. We lived in a mixed area - Rusholme. White, black, Asian, Irish and all. We all got on. I now live in East Lancashire. Here, it is endemically racist. I attend Blackburn College, university Centre studying for a BA in English and History. Half of my fellow students are Asian and 80% of them women. We all get on together because we relate to each other, not on our religious, cultural or gender differences but on our similar personalities, interests and intellectual capabilities. It is easier and a lot nicer to find common ground with each other than find an arbitrary and irrelevant ground for conflict.

We are all people. I do not judge anyone on whether they are atheist or religious. I do not judge people on their colour. I judge people on their commitment to freedom, commitment to free speech and their commitment to tolerance.

Reply 36
Original post by police
lol..... sorry but reading the comments some people have written are like... are you from manchester or from some other world...

its my first year.. im an asain(muslim)... i havent had the stick from any1!! i never do...
my flate mates are white, best bunch of peeps.... i dont drink, i dont smoke nor drugs.... but during the month of fasting me 1 of the guys and the 2 girls ate together..... as well as my friends we just had a feast!!! a big
im soo lucky to have flate mates this good. The eat pork, i dont.....
they know that thev got responsibilities becasue in the end there are 4 people living in this flat and we all have to do our bit.....

only once the guy got really drunk an i had to help him cuz he couldnt walk... his g/f called me for help and i was there...
none of us are doing the same course....
i think its best to have different people around you because you then get to know how other people are.... if you want jsut muslims friends in your flat... you can but my advice is that get to know other people.....its more better cuz then youll be in your bubble....

racism??? ive heard that some taxi people are dodgy... duno if its true though... oh yea ive experienced a really weird taxi guy who didnt know any english and since he looked ( he started to talk to me in his language which i dont know (i speak smethin else)...... he kept on talkin to me and i just nodded ma head....

in the end he just never charged me!!!!


manchester is a wonderful city...... just watch out for the cars and buses when your crossin AND THE MOTORCYCLIST (nearly ran me ova!)

its just a nice place to live in....
1 more thing__________
when you see a bunch of guys in hoods who tend to wear 1 glove.... duno why the 1 glove?? do not look at them!! they are dangerous, they tend to ride bicycles.....quick getaway vecchicle which is very quite and leaves no trail......

im serious u c em..... gt in somewhere!! bt dnt take ur phone out..... its a magnet to them....hehe....

damn i write a lot!!

Hey I know it's a little late(8years later) but yr comment actually helped with my nerves!! Am attending Manchester Uni this Sept and am black and am from Africa sooo yaaa.... And u made me laugh a lot!!!
Reply 37
Am a Muslim convert and mix with all religions and people Manchester is one of the most culturally diverse citys in the UK and if you are not happy with your house mates then move and find a suitable place .
So you are saying if your educated your not racist *******s I think your black