The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I am a Loughborough student, to I cannot comment on the specifics of the hall, but Unite as a company are horrible, money scrounging corner cuttings gits (excuse my French). If you have a look in the Loughborough Uni forum there is a post I created there about the problems my flat are having. Unless there is nor eal alternative, I would not recommend living with unite at all.
Reply 2
I am just about to fill in an application for Portsburgh Court - its either that or Sciennes as those are the only choices for ECA. I know Portsburgh Court is REALLY expensive but it's close to the college and has ensuites.
Has anyone lived at Portsburgh Court? Any advice on whether its worth the money? Help!
Yay I've sent off my application for there now.

I've decided on that because I reckon this makes it worthwhile:

Being a minute from college in the mornings, when we have to be there at 9/9.30, is gonna be so useful,
Having your own bathroom (not essential but would means more time in bed cos you don't have to fight over the bathroom in the morning etc),
Living in (pretty much) brand new accomodation,
Security is good and contents insurance is included,
Nice bedrooms and kitchens,
It's far nearer to the centre of the city.

Sciennes would be good too, but I'm going for Portsburgh. Apparantly last year there were 13 flast for eca, with 5 people in each, and this year they expect more, so there'll be plenty of eca-ers there.

It still seems a rip off, but for what you get at Sciennes for £96 a week is a rip too.
Reply 4
Yeah the ensuite bathroom has sort of decided it for me now..fighting for a bathroom at 8 in the morning doesnt really appeal too much..
I think I'm just going to go for Portsburgh, I'd rather be in a shabby place with a bathroom than a shabby place without a bathroom and it's further away from eca :smile:
I've spoken to a few people and they do reckon that it's worth the extra money for an en suite. I'm so indecisive..
and I guess i'll probably be seeing you there!!
and thanks for your help!!:smile:
S'ok :smile:

And it's sooo not shabby from the pics I've seen, it looks ace inside!
Reply 6
Its overpriced in my opinion, over £400 a month not including bills (since you pay £350 for these in your first month-and roughly in a academic year i wouldn't say you spend more than £200 on these). You could probably get a 1 bedroom/studio flat in the same area for the same price.
Reply 7
Bump. :hi:

I've been allocated this accomodation, I'll be a fresher at the UoE this year.
Reply 8
i couldn't get any of my accomdation choices so i've been offered this as my accomodation for university of edinburgh in september.
Reply 9
sophia :)
i couldn't get any of my accomdation choices so i've been offered this as my accomodation for university of edinburgh in september.

I'm in the same boat.
Reply 10
kinda annoyed that i didnt even get accomodation that the uni owns.
although its nearly brand new and i've seen some pictures and it looks nicer than most of the uni's own flats.
I've applied for a room here in sept 09'. It's not so much the price they quote you per week as i can understand it's all good quality with insurance, internet, own ensuite blahbalh..but what really annoys me is the admin charges they add on top of £99 which is going to be spaced out over all my 8 debit card installments! If you decide to pay the whole year in a oner you don't have this problem, so why should people like me who can't do this be penalized for an accessive admin charge? :eek: it's quite shocking. I know i'm def gonna be skint living there, and that's including the loan AND bursary.(and my rooms just a'basic' one!) :frown: It's just reallly hard to get somewhere to stay in this City!
Annoyone else had a similar experience or having one? :eek3: :woo:
yeh yeh portsburgh is the most expensive halls ever. all my friends who are going to uni elsewhere are in flats for like £60/70 per week gggrrr. but i do think its worth it at least for first year. what flat you in??? x
Coming to the end of my time at Edinburgh Uni, I can say that all of Edinburgh is pretty expensive! I lived in Unite accom. in my first year (James Craig Court) and all I can say is that the rooms are tiny for what you pay (compare it to Liberty), their prices go up extortionately every year, you never get anywhere near your full deposit back and if there is problem, you are dealing with a big corporation, not a uni who play by different rules. I looked at some Unite accom. in London and for a 1 bed flat, I kid you not, it would cost 17,000 for a year!!!!!!!! I nearly died! If you can afford it, then its fine, but don't stay there more than a year! Sharing with people and having to manage things by yourself is one of the biggest lessons I have learnt at uni.
Well I just hope I find some work there so I can hopefully just about manage! :woo: lol
I know what you mean about London, even Unite property there shoots up to £185 a week and that is just for a basic room. :eek: I was wanting to study in London aswell, and here was me wanting to go study there after edinburgh! :frown:
I'm in flat G08 starting this september :cool:
Reply 15
Coming to the end of my time at Edinburgh Uni, I can say that all of Edinburgh is pretty expensive! I lived in Unite accom. in my first year (James Craig Court) and all I can say is that the rooms are tiny for what you pay (compare it to Liberty), their prices go up extortionately every year, you never get anywhere near your full deposit back and if there is problem, you are dealing with a big corporation, not a uni who play by different rules. I looked at some Unite accom. in London and for a 1 bed flat, I kid you not, it would cost 17,000 for a year!!!!!!!! I nearly died! If you can afford it, then its fine, but don't stay there more than a year! Sharing with people and having to manage things by yourself is one of the biggest lessons I have learnt at uni.

Hi, i was just wondering what you thought of James Craig Court outside of the money situation. I've got to decide between that and the new IQ residence all the way down fountainbridge road. I'm coming up to Edin to do a masters and was wondering what the social life was like in James Craig only it doesn't seem to be filling up on the Unite website and i don't particularly want to be staying in an empty, depressing building even if it is in the centre of town. any feed back would be great.
i was just wondering what you thought of James Craig Court outside of the money situation. I've got to decide between that and the new IQ residence all the way down fountainbridge road. I'm coming up to Edin to do a masters and was wondering what the social life was like in James Craig only it doesn't seem to be filling up on the Unite website and i don't particularly want to be staying in an empty, depressing building even if it is in the centre of town. any feed back would be great.

currentley living in that empty, depressing building:frown: hardly anyone here and it's really boring *Sigh* view from the window is nice, if you happen to think a car park is nice:rolleyes:
Do NOT use unite; they overcharge you for everything, the rooms are pretty small, the bathroom is entirely plastic (no joke), the onsite team are next to useless, the lift breaks every two weeks, it is made up of people in all years of university so if you're a fresher that's really awkward, the internet is pathetic and hardly ever works and when it does it is extremely slow, the rooms have LED bulbs which buzz, there's three washing machines and tumblers for way too many people, the extractor fans in the kitchen do nothing at all and some of the worst people I have ever met were here. Save your money and go elsewhere. My first year experience has been ruined by unite due to their complete lack of competence and the flatmates that I was told that I would have are not the ones I actually have and the ones I DO have flat out do not socialise in any shape or form. I don't mean they don't go out or anything they just literally do not talk. Avoid unite like the plague.
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