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Has anyone been through the Deloitte Job Simulation?

I know roughly there are multiple sections and you have to record yourself on webcam for some parts, but not much else...

Specifically, I was wondering what you can do in preparation.

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I'm going through their job simulation now, any help you can give me?
Reply 2
I did it over a week ago, it was just a mix of video answers, typing answers, and multiple choice answers, so have a pen, paper and calculator at the ready. You're given like 3 minutes to prepare for each video answer so jot down what you want to talk about, make sure you look at the camera and not yourself. Some of the questions were a bit weird but the numerical stuff was almost identical to the previous stage.

I'm not super hopeful that I passed but I'll let you know regardless when I hear back
Reply 3
Original post by Dylann
I did it over a week ago, it was just a mix of video answers, typing answers, and multiple choice answers, so have a pen, paper and calculator at the ready. You're given like 3 minutes to prepare for each video answer so jot down what you want to talk about, make sure you look at the camera and not yourself. Some of the questions were a bit weird but the numerical stuff was almost identical to the previous stage.

I'm not super hopeful that I passed but I'll let you know regardless when I hear back

Hi, I was wondering how long you're given to speak when doing the cam questions. Unless you meant 3 minutes to prepare and also 3 minutes to answer?
Reply 4
Original post by Massyfr
Hi, I was wondering how long you're given to speak when doing the cam questions. Unless you meant 3 minutes to prepare and also 3 minutes to answer?

depended on the question i think, 1-3 mins
Reply 5
Original post by lunnndoner
I know roughly there are multiple sections and you have to record yourself on webcam for some parts, but not much else...

Specifically, I was wondering what you can do in preparation.

Original post by personager
I'm going through their job simulation now, any help you can give me?

Original post by Massyfr
Hi, I was wondering how long you're given to speak when doing the cam questions. Unless you meant 3 minutes to prepare and also 3 minutes to answer?

hello friends just thought i would let you know ive been invited to the final stage assessment at the location i applied for on Monday or Tuesday (they offered me either of the two days, and both are an hour long). They only told me today lunchtime so be warned if you pass the job simulation (i sat it exactly 2 weeks ago today) the assessment stage will be ASAP. FYI I applied to Audit - private markets graduate programme.

i will also say I go to uni in the far north and the interview is way down south so this weekend's logistics are gonna be fun :headfire:
Please can someone help me with the job simulation got coming up! What are the questions and how can I prepare?!
i have the same question, need to do mine by sunday
Reply 8
Is there a deadline to it by? Where does it say that?
I got a email saying that for my division the deadline is 3rd december, moreover in the email it says you have to do it wihtin 5 days, hope this helps. which division have you applied for? :smile:
Hi guys What kind of video questions they will ask in Job Simulation?
Reply 11
hello have you been through the jib simulation please? if yes, how was it? could you please provide some feedback and also what sort of questions they ask ? do you have to record your self for the whole 60 min? Many thanks
Reply 12
Original post by Dylann
hello friends just thought i would let you know ive been invited to the final stage assessment at the location i applied for on Monday or Tuesday (they offered me either of the two days, and both are an hour long). They only told me today lunchtime so be warned if you pass the job simulation (i sat it exactly 2 weeks ago today) the assessment stage will be ASAP. FYI I applied to Audit - private markets graduate programme.

i will also say I go to uni in the far north and the interview is way down south so this weekend's logistics are gonna be fun :headfire:

hello could you please tell me in details the stages of job simulation type of question as i have been invited to take that ? thanks
Original post by Dylann
depended on the question i think, 1-3 mins

Do they ask questions like
why Deloitte
amd what skills do you have etc
or more case study based
Reply 14
No, that’s in the final interview
Original post by HK4ZM1
No, that’s in the final interview

Did you complete the final stage assessment?
Reply 16
Original post by bala2222
Did you complete the final stage assessment?

I did the application process last year and got an offer, for which I accepted!
I got a mail saying I passed the simulation but there were candiates whose skills align more than me. They did not reject me or clearly say am in, but said that they might call me for the final assessment after New Years or even June. Don't know what lies ahead!
Reply 18
I’m going to do the Job simulation in a couple of days. What did you think of it and what were the questions like? Good luck also I hope they call you for the final assessment
Can i ask what questioms did they ask u

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